By popular demand: Cut Herzoner, Raise the Council

I received a couple of emails asking for coverage of Adriane Quinlan’s piece a week or so back on the Harahan Council so here goes:

In Harahan, some council members once bemoaned budget, now seek raises ~ Adriane Quinlan

Newly-elected Harahan councilman questions proposed pay raises ~ Adriane Quinlan

Its better than those headline because the outgoing council is not only seeking a raise, they also seek to cut the Mayor’s financial package, which appears to violate Louisiana RS 33:404.1 which Adriane was kind enough to link in her piece.

Speaking of Harahan’s new Herzoner is it me or did Adriane take a victory lap in comments?

How will a political newcomer as mayor affect Harahan?

I got that one.  First here is the mug of the guy that is leaving: photo archives
Vinny Mosca | photo archives

And here is the mug of the nice lady that is taking over:

Harahan Mayor Elect Tina Miceli | - Julia Kumari Drapkin
Harahan Mayor Elect Tina Miceli | – Julia Kumari Drapkin

Beyond youth and a general brightening of the Mayor’s office however there are troubling rumors brewing of certain council members that are spoiling for a fight with the “political newcomer” Miceli. As has been previously, conclusively established that Nurses are in fact highly intelligent, it stands to reason that several knowledgeable Harahan political observers are telling Slabbed that Herzoner is more interested in seeking quality transition advice than fighting internecine political battles with the City Council. The dynamics are certainly worth watching here as we roll into the new year.

3 thoughts on “By popular demand: Cut Herzoner, Raise the Council”

  1. Unfortunately, they can, Doug, if the decrease is contemplated for the incoming officer, because it would not be “current term for which elected” of the newcomer. The move would be illegal if the vote and consequent reduction took place during the current term, for the current occupant, which would be for the term for which elected.

  2. Interesting that no one has commented on either of Adriane’s articles. Must be the L-tryptophan turkey lethargy hangovers. Lol.

  3. Congratulations to Mayor Miceli. I wish her much success and fulfillment in her elected position. Holding political office can be challenging at times. Thomas Jefferson once famously stated “Political office holding should be considered a job, not a career. Once in office, do the job and then get out”. I pray for her and the people of Harahan that she be allowed to implement the platform that she was elected on without adverse political opposition.

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