Janus plea hearing: Magilla the Gorilla in the room

Magilla the Gorilla via Wiki

I had to laugh at the remarks of one of the assembled defense attorneys, who made my acquaintance today telling me how much he enjoyed my Louisiana coverage.  The assembled media included Warren Kulo, Ruth Ingram, Doug Walker, Jeff Amy and Anita Lee plus one blogger.

Ironically the session started off with what was billed as a quick true up hearing for a civil case that quite frankly caught my interest as much as the Janus plea hearing.  Judge Starrett knows his damages including exhibiting some specialized knowledge of the sand and gravel business that was quite impressive.  I’ll leave the inside chatter on the inside but Judge Starrett continued the hearing because the numbers did not make sense to him.  I followed the lawyer out of the courtroom with my business card (day job) in case the Plaintiffs decided to reach out for some help.  Damages I know.

Lest I digress there are three points I want to make but before I make them we need to visit with the best two accounts of the hearing in no particular order:

Janus pleads guilty to fraud, will testify against Scott Walker ~ Anita Lee

Janus changes plea to guilty on fraud charges ~ Jeff Amy

As I said on twitter Janus was solemn throughout.  HIs face had an ashen hue and eye circles Continue reading “Janus plea hearing: Magilla the Gorilla in the room”

Steppin’ out: Those “new” wards will be the death of me……

Wards 5 and 6 were annexed around 2007ish 2006ish so better late than never……

Mayor says residents’ failure to pay bills is keeping Bay behind ~ Geoff Belcher

Speaking of better late than never I also have this:

Three defendants settle out of court in Bay Tech lawsuit ~ Cassandra Favre and Geoff Belcher

“Slabbed on steroids”

Glenn Greenwald, the journalist that broke the NSA domestic spying programs via Edward Snowden, has launched his news site called the Intercept.  One of my readers, upon seeing my Tweet this morning on same termed the site “Slabbed on steroids”.  I agree.

Pushing the limits of what a free press can accomplish, Greenwald and his domestic partner Michael Miranda have also experienced a good bit of blowback with sold out gasbags like NBC’s David Gregory openly questioning whether Greenwald has committed treason for exposing the NSA spy programs via leak from Edward Snowden. Miranda was detained last August by authorities in the United Kingdom as he attempted to pass through Heathrow Airport in transit to Brazil from Berlin.

It takes brass balls to do the kind of journalism Glenn Greenwald does.  His new website is well worth the look.