“Divide and concur! Politics is a messy business”

I have been getting some fantastic background on the upcoming New Orleans City Elections that makes the post title, taken from a reader comment seem a bit understated.  In any event I’ve heard enough about the upcoming New Orleans city elections to become interested.  As a reminder how wacky these Louisiana elections can become how about this gem from the 2010 election:

For starters we need to set the field and for that I link this article from Gambit which lays things out nicely. For the mayor’s race in particular let’s begin with this very recent article by Andrew Vanacore at the Advocate and this article circa 2010 by the T-P’s Bruce Alpert. The aftermath of Michael Bagneris not getting an Article III appointment to the LAED is one of the major drivers of Bagneris’ decision to run against Mayor Mitch.

Commencer le spectacle

6 thoughts on ““Divide and concur! Politics is a messy business””

  1. Speaking of politics, it looks like the Jackson County Sheriff race has already been in full swing and the bubba’s have been running their gums and possibly nosing ass cracks.

    In an article today the Sun Herald reported that a number of candidates have already been campaigning for the job by calling and approaching the supervisors. It looks like we are off to a good start on this one.

    I liked how the names of candidates were listed in the paper for this important position. To bad we were not able to see the list of candidates for the DMR director political race earlier this year.

  2. Several things make the upcoming elections in New Orleans (a/k/a “The Cesspool” and a/k/a “Little South Africa” – the demographics of N’walins and S.A. are VERY similar) interesting, not the least of which is the fact that “Half Moon”, whose Family has pandered to the Negro for decades, to garner their VOTE, is being opposed by two (2) Negros. First we have the eminently qualified Danatus King of the ACLU (but notwithstanding his ACLU position, I don’t believe King to be a lawyer, just a “shit-stirrer”)). And then we have former State Court Judge Michael Bagneris, who half Moon’s sister, a U.S. Senator, recently nominated to Obama for a Federal Judgeship (the nomination went down in flames for reasons which still haven’t been made public). Then we’re told that in the City Council races (no pun intended), we could wind up with a Negro majority on the Council (Looks like former Mayor-and-under-Federal-indictment C. Ray Nagin may get his “chocolate city” wish after all). The Negros have finally figured out that they outnumber the whites, in significant numbers, and if they just get out of the house to vote (even when it rains), THEY control the outcome of EVERY election in Orleans Parish. But I hope that “The Fourth Estate”, SLABBED included, investigates and tells us just why Bagneris’ Federal Judgeship nomination was derailed. And I also hope that “Doctor” McKenna’s FELONY CONVICTION and the “hard time” he spent in the Federal Penitentiary gets some publicity. Lastly, the latest “Half Moon” atrocity was a Press Conference with his Superintendent of Police, “The Serpent”, to take credit for the “lowest murder rate” in New Orleans in decades (it’s STILL too damn high), when they both KNEW that the murder rate is low because it’s “The Medical Profession” saving the lives of people that are shot, rather then allowing them to die, and that the rate for “aggravated assault” (that’s a “gun crime”) are UP, not Down. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. I believe Dr. McKenna’s conviction was for Income Tax problems. He has been a dedicated physician and served on the Orleans Parish School Board. During his time on the School Board he brought many good ideas and programs to the system. He always voted for the “best” interest of the children and not the “political” side of issues.

  4. Doug: About Bagneris: How does “funded by the GOP” jibe with his recent endorsement by the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee? Could you be “mis-informed”? And to “NOLA CAJUN”: O.K. you’re just as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. Vote for McKenna; you probably deserve each other. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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