All hail Chris Roberts the Royal Monarch de la toilette!

What can you say folks except that Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts loves a parade!

Krewe of Alla announces Mardi Gras 2014 royalty ~

Meantime Roberts exhibits his true talent for squandering money, especially other people’s money such as scare tax dollars:

Jefferson Parish Council Chairman Chris Roberts, HCA executive trade heated words ~ Ben Myers

What is interesting to me given the spectacle Roberts has made of the process is whether the 7 area legislators that co-sponsored the legislation stripping the voters of any say in this matter would do the same thing again knowing what they know now, especially since Roberts and company appear ready to cram Children’s Hospital down the throats of the taxpayers in a deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars less than what HCA has offered.

Here is the gang that greased the skids for Roberts and company in the legislature:

  • Joseph Lopinto
  • Robert Billiot
  • Christopher Leopold
  • Nick Lorusso
  • Conrad Appel
  • David Heitmeier
  • Danny Martiny

Time to pop some popcorn because this is getting really interesting.

6 thoughts on “All hail Chris Roberts the Royal Monarch de la toilette!”

  1. i would like to see a reporter clarify Children’s cash position. Is it $1b in cash in the bank as Roberts has stated?

    Chris Roberts Children’s has 1 billion in cash in the bank. The only subsidizes all hospitals referenced get from the state is Medicaid payments of which would apply to everyone.

  2. Childrens gets funding from the state in addition to Medicaid payments. They get funding for operating the LSU Interim Hospital (the new charity) and will get funding for operating the University Medical Center (the new new charity). How much? Who knows? The governors office calls it deliberative privilege and us lowly taxpayers dont deserve to know.

  3. Jefferson Parish hospital consultant’s contract didn’t require it to provide recommendation

    Much of the recent turmoil in the Jefferson Parish hospitals lease process has concerned conclusions, or lack thereof, provided by the consulting firm Kaufman Hall & Associates Inc. of Skokie, Ill. Parish Council members and hospitals officials have attacked the firm either for refusing to recommend one of three private operators for the lease or for offering what they say are inconsistent recommendations based on political pressure.

  4. The fact that Chris Leopold spreads the KY jelly for anything is unremarkable. You will recall this POS blew off an investigation into the Win-or-Lose oilfields scandal, which is nothing new since his family owed their start to the homegrown looters in Plaquemines Parish.

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