I am hearing troubling things about the State’s DMR Investigation

I would remind people that a state prosecution into wrongdoing at DMR involves a two step process:

  1. Investigation by investigative agency, in the case of a State Agency like DMR that would be the Office of the State Auditor and,
  2. The State Attorney General and/or local District Attorney receiving referral and taking this referral to the grand jury for indictment and prosecution.

Another way of looking at this would be to examine the opposite because logic tells us the opposite is also implied thus some who committed a crime could avoid prosecution:

  1. By a botched investigation and,
  2. By the prosecutor refusing an otherwise good case

For reasons why the opposite should be considered, I recommend Hanlon’s Razor as a starting point for the subsequent analysis.

Now what does this have to do with the post title? Continue reading “I am hearing troubling things about the State’s DMR Investigation”