Friday Omnibus: Da Noose is taking it home plus Sid ‘n Dunk

For true Da Noose has taken a job with Ole Miss.

I met Michael at the Gene Taylor Town Hall meeting at Harbor Landing in Moss Point back in 2009. A young yet old school kinda journalist with a reporter’s notebook he faithfully told the story of the events that night with accuracy. The next day I sent him an email introducing myself. We’ve frequently linked his quality work ever since here at Slabbed. His presence in the local media congroovancy will be missed.

Rumors to the contrary I am not on a flight to Nova Scotia but I am otherwise pretty busy. I have a days worth on unanswered email and that delay is likely to grow. I’m a one man band folks and there is only so much of me to go around. Best thing is to shoot me a reminder sometime late next week as the info on SMPDD and the Pearl River County Tax Collector are intriguing.

Here is a twopack from Editilla over at the Ladder:

Levee board opens door to settling lawsuit ~ Jeff Adelson

Quick check? (Problems at Michael Hingle’s office??????)  Worth noting in Adelson’s piece is Garret Graves being up front and center yesterday. He was busy as he also signed up for his membership card in the Louisiana Chapter of the Slabbed Nation.  We gotta at least give Graves props for signing up. (I promise not to pester you too much, Garret.  Now about those Berms….)

Still Two Miracles Short of Sainthood ~ Grand Master Wang

If you’re not reading Wang then you’re missing out on the best Saints football coverage bar none. Speaking of the Saints, Jeffrey over at Yella Blog wields the scalpel with expert precision: Continue reading “Friday Omnibus: Da Noose is taking it home plus Sid ‘n Dunk”