6 thoughts on “Set your calendars….”

  1. Will he be Abel to carry this “bomb” of a case pass security on March 27th.

    I’ll be there munching on some good goat cheese dressed incognito as, wait for it…..

    a blind goatherder with his white cane tapping the tip to the theme of “Rawhide”



  2. Another puzzle: is Vandeweghe also known as Boudreaux & ABC Insurance? Purely sloppy drafting, hope there is a lecture from the court.

  3. Since Abel has included allegations of insults to the district court judges Ann Vandenweghe should send all notices to Danny Abel, C% Super 8 Motel,Suite 106 which per se is self-defamatory.

  4. Before you non-attorneys turn out,”noticing” simply means the court takes under advisement at that time, only if you ask for oral argument is the matter argued in open court.

    Doug, are you asking for oral argument on this??

    1. My peeps will certainly be there. Additional issues have been raised so I suspect there will be some talking as well.

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