13 thoughts on “I believe these are fightin’ words so lets get it on: Blogger v The Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 1”

  1. Paragraphs 38 and 43 make some interesting allegations. Did he even bother to read the 12/21/12 order of the US 5th Circuit sanctioning him for filing a frivolous appeal, etc?

    Paragraph 102 must have been written by her sister(s).

      1. And to think they bitched when I called them girls when they claim each other as sisters.

        I’m so looking forward to my day in court. I hope lots of the peeps in the Slabbed Nation join me and AMV that day.

      2. That’s what happens when you cut and paste someone else’s pleadings and don’t adequately proofread. Just looks sloppy.

  2. Now that the legal affairs are on your home turf, doesn’t this give you legal standing to actualy go after domentation, et cetera, that previously you could only speculate on? Wouldn’t this all make for some interesting depositions?

    And once these various “items” became court documents it would seem like it could open up all sorts of interesting activities.

    A fairly normal course of events is to wait for criminal preceedings to finalize before you go tort because of the burden of proof issue. But I have seen it go the other way. State AGs get involved in civil issues, and the next thing you know the FBI is interested.

    Why would someone want to invite further scrutiny of their activities in which last I checked, people were serving time on?

  3. I have seen my share of filings state & fed, and this was truly one indicing thigh slapping laughter.

    Hate to burst someone’s bubble but there is no Louisiana case of Costell v. Hardy. Judge Morgan certainly will find incompetent and incomplete case citation less than amusing.

  4. Why would someone want to invite further scrutiny of their activities in which last I checked, people were serving time on?

    Because some idiots never learn. Abel’s strategy is the same strategy as the Goatherders in their resounding SPEECH Act loss.

    He’ll make a point of telling Judge Morgan every critical thing I’ve written about every Article III judge in the courthouse just as Henry Laird based his entire legal strategy in Gulfport on telling Judge Guirola every critical thing I wrote about Magistrate Walker.

    Unfortunately for Team Goatherder such table pounding has little impact on the impartiality of the federal judiciary.

    OTOH such sophomoric antics work up in Nova Scotia, in fact I was counting on it when I termed NS Justice Hood a twit back in the day. The accompanying loss of professionalism on her part was duly noticed and noted by Judge Guirola in his decision.

    In January I was emailed the suit by a dummy gmail account, I’m thinking by Abel, accompanied by the senders congratulations for drawing Susie Morgan.

    Against the Goatherders I’d take Judge Berrigan or Feldman, two of the biggest recipients of criticism here on Slabbed, and still very much like my chances.

    Last summer I entered the Yenni Building as a curiosity for gang up on 7 and left a few months later on good terms and mutual respect with those that interacted with me. In November I entered and left the Federal Courthouse in Gulfport in a similiar fashion (I even got the skinny on getting my cellphone into a courtroom to live blog cases from there straight from Magistrate Roper himself.)

    I welcome the opportunity to finally meet the gang on Camp Street and the chance to impart a good impression there as well.

    1. Thank you, Doug, for previously identifyign the “mentor” of your adversary way back yonder. Looking at the legal writing of those now in the “mentor’s firm,” I can see the connection.

  5. When he wrote that you called him a ‘goathoarder’ I laughed so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes! I had to quit reading for a few minutes to compose myself…

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