17 thoughts on “Live from Aaron Broussard’s sentencing…….”

  1. Aaron Broussard is eligible for the half-way house in 2 years and 6 months from April. What a blow for the public with this sentence.

  2. Sounds like Wilkinson is rolling on Coulon…Coulon better hope Wilkinson didn’t give the feds anything they can use against him. And Heebe better hope Coulon doesn’t give the feds anything they can use against him.
    What a load of BS…Wilkinson was just following orders…so were the Nazi nation under Hitler…wishes he had quit…not really…probably just wishes he had not gotten caught.
    There is no justice.

  3. If you wanted to hand out prison sentences that looked like punishment but weren’t really, these would be it.

    $500 a month restitution, $100 a month restitution, probation, and a short stint in Florida minimum security prison. What is the punishment?

  4. I have faith that Aaron Broussard will do something (probably several things) to violate the conditions of his sentencing, particularly if he gets released to a half-way house.

  5. Judge Head wondering about Wilkinson’s law license. Wilkinson wants to continue practicing law.

    This is the most disgraceful part of this entire debacle. At least that POS Broussard had the dignity to give up his license. ODC should send Wilkinson to the moon on this and a permanent disbarment is too good for this thug.

  6. I wondered if the prosecutors were hoping Judge Head would not read the presentencing report because it had obvious problems, which he detailed.

    The team tried using the allegations contained in the previously filed 404b motion regarding Nova Scotia Enterprises as evidence to merit a sentencing enhancement for multiple instances of bribery. No one evidently explained to Brian Klebba you only serve time in prison for offenses admitted or gained via conviction. Head openly invited prosecutors to investigate and return indictments if they wanted Broussard to answer for that but ended up knocking 6 levels from Broussard’s sentence.

    Maybe I am getting older but the prosecutors in court today outside the Virginian looked awfully young.

    From what I saw today the cubbard is looking very bare talent wise in what is left of NOLA US Attorney’s office. And while it is true most prosecutors could indict a ham sandwich if they put their minds to it, I can’t see this bunch tackling a complex racketeering case involving Fred Heebe and gain a conviction.

    I did say hi to Dana Boente aka the Virginian and his eyes lit up when he heard the words Slabbed New Media. I hope he has something up his sleeve because all today accomplished was the destruction of what little public confidence there was this area will ever be cleaned up.

  7. BTW, 160k judgement at 100.00 a month will take 113 years to pay off…..sounds really fair to me…

    You stay classy NOLA…….

  8. nice prop bandage on the ear aaron. broussard said he has been getting radiation treatments. i am no doctor, but i imagine radiation on his ear would cause aaron’s remaining hair to fall out.

  9. Keep the faith. The FBI is like a one-armed wallpaper hanger hanging wallpaper at the Versailles Palace. They will continue to kick ass and take names.

    Now, whether the USA’s office has the manpower or talent, well, that is a different matter, and you can best bet that the nominee, Ken Polite, will not garner the respect needed in the office considering his relative inexperience. God save us if that is the best that Mary Landrieu can come up with.

  10. “all today accomplished was the destruction of what little public confidence there was this area will ever be cleaned up”

    that my friends is the sad,sad truth and the dirty lowdown.

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