ONGO Part 1: John Mamoulides dictates a letter for Aaron Broussard…..

At the risk of disclosing sensitive grand jury information may I be so bold as to quote Clancy DuBos:

“The paper trail glows in the dark.”

ONGO Part 1

OK folks here is the deal……

Many of you newbies do not know that this blogging thing is a part time gig that does not pay nearly enough to the support my family. Luckily for me I have a day job as a sole practice CPA that does pay the bills and enable the blogging.  This is a busy time of the year in that profession and there is even a fancy term for it: Workload compression.

I don’t shut down Slabbed every winter/spring though, despite the time pressures involved with the day job.  But it does mean that it could take me several days to answer email inquiries and some I may never get around to answering.  There is only so much of me to go around.

I mention this because the work we do here is gaining attention and that attention is generating story leads that I likely can not do justice to in the very limited time I have for Slabbed at the present time.  That said a few of you are preparing background research on the topics we’re actively covering and sharing that work with me.  That is very helpful.

Finally USA ex rel Rigsby v State Farm is headed to trial and this is an old topic Slabbed will be picking back up to cover.  I look forward to bringing some closure to our Hurricane Katrina insurance litigation blogging, which dominated Slabbed from late 2007 until early 2010.

Finally there is a general sense all hell is breaking loose between the grand jury leaks investigation, the investigation of Team Heebe, the new indictments involving Ray Nagin, the old guilty pleas involving the former Goatherder in Chief, Tim Whitmer and Tom Wilkinson and all the collateral damage resulting therefrom.  I would not want to dampen such speculation because from my perch here at Slabbed what I see is all hell is indeed breaking loose.  For a citizen journalist like me, this is also known as job security.