Friday Jefferson Parish Omnibus: Mark Titus, Aaron Broussard and the 24th JDC

I do not have much time this morning so here is a quick rundown of three stories I followed over the past week or so:

Mark Titus’ wife claims most of the assets government plans to seize ~ Manuel Torres

Run “Mark Titus” through the search box on the right sidebar to find Slabbed’s previous coverage of USA v Titus. Manuel posted a comprehensive update to the forfeiture portion of the prosecution and Mrs Titus has changed lawyers and is fighting for her share of the property subject to Judge Lemelle’s forfeiture order. I recall getting a bat signal from Team Titus before Christmas that went something along the lines that NOLA commenter JPChirper was an idiot. I’ll continue to keep an eye on this case.

Aaron Broussard’s prosecutors dismiss his attack as ‘fishing expedition’ ~ Drew Broach

I’ve gotten some reader email on this story. It is a complicated critter as Judge Head just may hold an evidentiary hearing to DQ the local US Attorney’s office from his case due to press leaks and Sal Perricone / Jan Mann playing on the internet. I’d be dishonest if I did not say this latest turn of events has continued to fuel speculation that Slabbed will be subpoenaed by John Horn’s folks at DoJ but I have no indication such is forthcoming.  If something does happen you guys know the drill by now.

Finally Paul Purpura checked in with the social promotion revolving door that exists between the 24th JDC and the Louisiana 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The bottom line is despite several openings on both courts there is only one opposed seat up for grabs as all the other judges get a freebie pass to their new jobs.