14 thoughts on “Aaron Broussard mocks the judicial process after admitting to a major felony”

  1. If I was Judge Hayden Head, I would nuke this invertebrate for such a flip, smartass, fuck you in your face comment. I’d play the video in sentencing and ask this troglodyte if he thought his comments were funny. The man who thumbs his nose at a federal judge is a fucking moron! Judge Head, as Payton said “do your job.”

    1. Do you think he’d be so jocular and verbose if the U.S. Attorney had done his job and convicted Broussard on 27 counts? If the answer is no, then he is taunting Letten and Judge Head. And notice he used the word “crook,” not “criminal” or “felon.” He has been aspiring to be Edwin Edwards his entire political life. And many of the sheeple who still revere EWE fondly refer to him as “The Crook.”

      1. Judge Hayden “HAMMER” Head is wise to these JP Politico Mafioso … after all he’s had “putrid” Porteous visit down in his circuit in Corpus Christi and is well aware of the “GretnaMentality” as displayed Broussard this day … arrogance beyond the pale !!!

        Judge Head was appointed by the 5th Circuit for a reason … to HAMMER down on these Supreme POSs… and it my belief he could care less what kind of deal “the punk”! Letten made … hopefully a scenario of justice will play out during the sentencing phase of these degenerate individuals …

      2. You should have seen the people lining up to get their picture taken with Mr. Edwards at DA Walter Reed’s fundraiser last weekend.

        1. i can totally believe that northshore conservative hypocrites would fawn over a liberal criminal. the voters in st tammany are not as bad as the dolts in jefferson parish but are stupid nonetheless.

  2. Lil’Napoleon is already thinking about his TV reality show when he gets out.

    “The Life and Times of the Goodwill Ambassador for Crime,Inc”- encouraging tourists to spend lots of money and create lotsa’ sales taxes so porky cronies can feed at the trough for life.

    Are we sure his relatives did not come from the same parish as EWE.

  3. The U.S. Eastern District Court’s Sentence Formula

    AB + I’MAC + I’MAD + HaHa = 15 yrJPM

    AB = Aaron Broussard
    I’MAC = I’m a crook
    I’MAD = I’m a dragon
    Ha Ha = I’m laughing
    15yrJPM = 15 years of daily jail prostate massages

  4. http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2012/09/aaron_broussard_shows_his_true.html

    Gee, the T/P is publishing anti-Boussard letters by the hundreds. Is it because the Advocate is moving to town and T/P wants to appear now be anti-political corruption ?

    Too late T/P you had Grace having champagne lunches with Lil’ Napoleon and endorsed LargASSe and Chrissy “King of Campaign Pop” whom we are stuck with for too many more years

    I’m ADVOCATing your immient doom T/P.

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