6 thoughts on “Thursday Music: Dedicated to the freaks in the Goatherder Nation”

  1. Now Whalen is whining because he got some water in his house and wants the trial delayed (shock…surprise). Can’t he just stay at Abel’s and Broussard’s office at the Super 8 in Metairie?
    These people are absolute jackasses!

    1. Good point VZ there is always room there in the legal department at the Super 8 on Clearview. I wonder if that property still has a zero property tax assessment?


  2. VZ: At Motel 6 they “leave the light on” for you whereas at Super 8 they leave some dim burning candles on for Team Broussard ‘s “Legal Office”.

    Since Capella has upped the assessments on most all buildings in JP , the property taxes on the Super 8 Motel at 2421 Clearview Pkwy, Metairie I’m sure it is no longer probably 0———-

    Maybe closer to like 00 now.

    1. There appear to be three separate parcel numbers assigned to the 2421 address. The two that show owners as Million Oaks, Inc. have assessments of 700K and 4.4M respectively, while the one showing owner as Desai Holding, LLC carries an assessment of 0. Perhaps someone can explain this.

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