Fazzio seeks a stay in his straw man campaign cash case. Takes a page out of the Calhoun playbook.

The Slabbed community has been all over Team River Birch’s use of straw man political campaign contributions to exceed the statutory limits since literally since day 1 when we broke it.  Yesterday evening, Paul Rioux filed a story for the T-P updating this portion of the sprawling political corruption saga as Big D wants a stay in the Louisiana Ethics Board case against him since he would have to take the 5th amendment, the theory being he can’t ‘splain without admitting to what the campaign cash money trail clearly says he did.

Fazzio’s lawyer for the Ethics investigation, the River Birch paid Stephen London surfaces again as Big D evidently is trying to make use of that agreement he signed in River Birch’s best interest to score free legal help.  If this is indeed the case London is as conflicted as he was trying to defend Fazzio before Judge Ginger, who tossed him after the US Attorney’s office sought his DQ because of that agreement which I again mention today.

In any event today Rioux again spells out for his audience something we already knew: Bobby Jindal and Aaron Broussard were the biggest beneficiaries of the Fazzio campaign money train.

The suit, filed a year later on May 18, does not list who received the allegedly illegal contributions or the amounts. But a Times-Picayune review of campaign finance reports indicates that 24 candidates have received donations totaling $90,500 from the seven firms named in the suit since 2009, the cutoff date for the three-year statute of limitations.

Since 2003, the seven firms doled out more than $300,000 to about 60 candidates. Continue reading “Fazzio seeks a stay in his straw man campaign cash case. Takes a page out of the Calhoun playbook.”