Team Letten says Aaron Broussard’s recusal motions are all wet

In fact Rich Rainey at the T-P wrote that Team Letten”picked apart” Robert Jenkin’s arguments in favor of recusal.

I suspect Team Letten is still smarting from the recusal involving the River Birch prosecution and this does not bode well for the bald headed Goatherder or his former Parish Attorney.

Stay tuned.


In this episode of Magnum JD: Baldwin v Costner kicks off today

And Slabbed has literally covered this whole sorry affair of a bunch of washed up Hollywood actors cashing in on the worst environmental disaster in this nation’s history with hocus pocus technology that did nothing beyond stuff money into the pockets of self serving politicians from day 1.

The suit itself has finally crossed into the traditional media and frankly the reporting I’ve seen to this point is as devoid of useful information as the original real time reporting on Costner and his machine, which BP never used to fight the spill.

That said and in case there are media members that want to catch up this recently filed court doc is a great place to start along with Slabbed’s prior coverage.
