Dominick Fazzio in court this morning but all eyes were on assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone

At least that was the way WDSU TeeVee spun today’s Fazzio hearing on his motion to dismiss the charges against him. Luckily for everyone, Paul Rioux from the T-P was also there and he gave a good account of the hearing’s subject matter, Fazzio’s allegations of prosecutorial misconduct against Team Letten.  Here is a snippet:

Berrigan has previously said she isn’t sure the June 3 meeting between prosecutors and Fazzio “passes the smell test.” She called the meeting “pretty disturbing” and used the same phrase to describe transcripts of the recorded conversations in which Titus repeatedly implored Fazzio to get a new attorney and cooperate in the River Birch investigation.

However, Berrigan also has said she didn’t see “any inherent misconduct” in using the fraud case to pressure Fazzio to cooperate in the investigation of his employer.

Our readers may remember Judge Berrigan holds fondness in her heart for Tulane U, Bad Faith Insurance Companies, and hard-core criminals. Based on her prior remarks, I can’t imagine Big D will get far with his motion to dismiss.

Stay tuned as things are greatly heating up.


3 thoughts on “Dominick Fazzio in court this morning but all eyes were on assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone”

    1. Indeed the Ides of March have yet to pass as I write …

      “I find there has been no government misconduct whatsoever,” U.S. District Judge Ginger Berrigan said after a two-day hearing.

      Judge rejects River Birch landfill exec’s request to toss fraud charges
      Published: Thursday, March 15, 2012, 10:25 AM Updated: Thursday, March 15, 2012, 10:30 AM
      By Paul Rioux, The Times-Picayune

  1. And it’s curving a bit————-wait for it—— ——–ahhhh ,it’s another gutter ball thrown by “Rainbow Lanes” Fazzio.

    Ok, set the pins up again and give him another roll to see if he can knock a few pins( years at the farm) down.

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