After 7 years of being Gov and a lifetime as a Mississippian now on the verge of running for President, Boss Hogg finally wants to build a civil rights museum

Folks we’re laying off police, teachers and other government employees in record numbers but now that Boss Hogg stuck his foot in his mouth attempting to revise Mississippi’s sad civil rights history, he now suddenly thinks its time we spent  millions of dollars we don’t have on a civil rights museum, no doubt to be used a cheap prop for his upcoming Presidential bid.  Heck, who knows, maybe they’ll feature some of his kin folks in the Yazoo County cross burning exhibit. Either that or he already has a relative picked out to handle the bricks and mortar.


5 thoughts on “After 7 years of being Gov and a lifetime as a Mississippian now on the verge of running for President, Boss Hogg finally wants to build a civil rights museum”

  1. Ok, well that supports the thesis made on the History channel last night that we already have aliens which have inter breed with Homo erectus. They are among us as governors and with the antennae ears of Obama possibly in D.C..

  2. Hey Haley, your state is infested with political criminals acting against it’s citizens and since it’s proven and known why would those not yet victimized want more of the same from you allowing it. I think it’s a fair question. As I see it, looks like it’s whom ever politician stole the most money from citizens of their state which qualify them to run. Boy oh boy talk about one f* uked up country, just let boss hog win such an election. Anyone not able to wipe his own rearend shouldn’t be allowed to be prez. IMHO. What does he claimed to have done for this state anyway. Redirect money belonging to Katirna victms or simular actions?

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