One thought on “A Thursday Musical Repeat: We are Slabbers hear us roar!”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOoooowwwwwwwwwweee While we are awaiting a response to Cedric’c latest story how about putting out the word that if the Jefferson Council does past an amendment(Council Summary 23123)repealing the current Objectivity Statement Ordinance (Chapter 23-23-132.1)it can be VETOED as per Charter within 10 days by our new, good government President,John Young.Young told FOXNews that the ‘Council would have to work it all out’ concerning the Ordinance, but the truth is the President has VETO power so the pressure needs to be applied to our new leader to keep the present Ordinance as is.OOOOOOOOOOOOOoowwwwwwweeeee

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