In this episode of Magnum JD, Magnum goes whole hog with an intimate evening for Nunny.

It is only fitting Nunny get an intimate evening with the uptown money crowd as he must be tuckered out helping Bobby Jindal destroy the coastal ecosystems with them ill-advised but self serving sand berms.  Maybe Kevin Costner, who we’ve not heard from after dumping those useless oil-water separators on BP will also be in attendance.

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8 thoughts on “In this episode of Magnum JD, Magnum goes whole hog with an intimate evening for Nunny.”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooowwwwwweeeeee At $1,000 per person it must be real “intimate”— I got 1,000 nanas’ but with Billy no thank you. I’ll see Billy if they ever plant vegetation on the berms caus’I plan on planting banana trees and moving away from the rainforest next to the eternal construction noise of the JP Non-performing Arts Building on Airline Hwy. Poor Senator Hollis, who secured the state monies for the Arts Center, they claimed he died of cancer, but I believe he died of a broken heart for him to see what the JP Council has done to his dream(i.e. 70% in cost overruns).OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. I only want to know one thing: What has New Orleans’ “one assessor” assessed the house he recently paid @ $5,500,000 for? This should be “public record”. And what’s the annual property tax on the assessment? Have a great time at the party, everybody! Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. He just bought the Villere mansion on St. Charles with all that tobacco and oil machine money. Time to tighten up ole Billy for pushing the oil machines.

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