Well now, this explains things…

I happened to notice yesterday our old beef plant coverage was getting some attention from a few readers in the Jackson area.  I normally don’t spend too much time trying to divine what drives interests in our older posts but in this instance the Clarion Ledger solved that mystery.

Unfortunately the Facility Group way of getting work by employing local pols as “consultants” and doing the pay to play thing continues on to this day. Different contractor and politicians but the game remains the same.


Luck of the Irish – Robert Moultrie will be turned out to pasture on St. Paddy’s Day!

The ever observant Sop has noticed folks are searching for news about Robert Moultrie of Beef Plant fame.  Google search results show nothing more recent than Moving right along, the last SLABBED post on Moultrie.

After entering a guilty plea to charges he made illegal contributions to the campaign fund of then Governor Ronnie Musgrove, Moultrie was ordered to surrender on January 20, 2009, and begin his sixteen month sentence in the case.  According to the Inmate Locator on the Bureau of Prison’s website, Moultrie is currently in the Atlanta CCM, a community based re-entry facility, and scheduled for release on the 17th of March.

Got more beef? Post a comment or see “Contact” and send an email.

USA v Moultrie updated

The Defense Motion requesting a Daubert Hearing has been added to USA v Moultrie in the left sidebar under Legal. The Motion conditions the request for a ruling during the trial and addresses the points made in the Government’s response in opposition to the Motion and related Exhibits.

We are checking the docket and will fill any gaps as well as continue to update the page if/as new items are added. h/t bellesouth.

Moultrie had a Daubert hearing ee-i-ee-i-o

After the posting on dog days of insurance and a new way to skin a cat bond, news of a hearing in USA v Moultrie brought to mind here a cow, there a – oops, that’s the whole point isn’t – there were no cows $55,000,000 tax-payer dollars later.

Later is when we’ll find out why, too, the trial was moved to August.

Judge Mills not only granted the Motion for Continuance, he allowed the Daubert hearing that took place in Oxford last week. Daubert hearings are thought of as a trial within a trial – if you’re unfamiliar with these hearings to admit scientific evidence, you may find the information here helpful.

The government opposed the Defense request for the hearing; and, frankly, I’m surprised Judge Mills granted the request – read on and you may be, too. Continue reading “Moultrie had a Daubert hearing ee-i-ee-i-o”

…and with our super-deluxe indictment, you can brown your beef by the pool

Yet another amazing difference in USA v Moultrie and USA v Scruggs is the mutually agreed to take-all-the-time-you-need Motion for Continuation.

Well, it does get so very hot here in July and early August and it takes so much time to prepare for a really big case – months and months just to go through the government’s evidence and on certainly wouldn’t have time between now and the middle of June to prepare for two

Plus, if you’ve got a great place in Florida, you surely don’t want to spend your summer in Oxford and certainly not London – big tourist season, you know.

Judge Mills is just so much more understanding in warm weather. Good thing, too. When folks are given a short time to examine a truckload of evidence and have every motion denied, they often end up with a plea agreement – and we surely wouldn’t want that to happen, not here in the hospitality state, not with our super deluxe.

…and with our deluxe indictment, you can be “leaving on a jet plane”

Our home boys get the standard issue turn-in-your-passport indictment; but, hey, we’re the hospitality state and for our wealthy out-of-state indictees – folks like Robert Moultrie, we offer the deluxe.

Just show up, let us take your picture and you, too, can join your wife in London to celebrate her birthday.

Oh, and, if you’ve got a couple of old polygraph tests, be sure to drop those off on your way to the airport – and, hey, thanks for bringing your own evidence.

No doubt it’s somewhat insulting to be indicted over cull cows when the bulls at Moultrie Meadows are so fine they’ve got names – in fact, everything about Moultrie Meadows seems fine. Continue reading “…and with our deluxe indictment, you can be “leaving on a jet plane””