South Coast Today Nova Scotia on the Broussard Arraignment: Trout Point figure pleads not guilty in New Orleans fraud scandal

Kempt Wilderness Lodge Services Registered Agent Martin Pink

Let’s circle the following Canadian Barrister’s name folks: Martin Pink. Southern Nova Scotia is a tiny place from a population standpoint so it in inevitable certain names from the libel tourism cesspool begin to repeat themselves. With that said Timothy Gillespie has a must read up on the South Coast Today about Aaron Broussard, the Fox 8 case and Martin Pink, for whom Justice Pierre Muise once worked and who also has represented the Goatherders in the past.

Pink is also the registered agent for Kempt Wilderness Lodge Services, one of Broussard’s Canadian companies connected to the corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish. IMHO the SCT is small town journalism at its finest, especially given the archaic system of defamation laws under which the media in Canada must navigate.
