Playing the local media for fools is nothing new here on the Coast (Updated)

Here at Slabbed we always have fun examining the “journalistic facts” conveyed by the local main stream media against what those facts strongly suggest along which how those facts are being reported by the various local media outlets. The technical expression is take-away which google defines as “a key fact, point, or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting.”

First up something is screwy in Ocean Springs:

Aldermen ‘blindsided’ by request to cancel popular Ocean Springs parade ~ Karen Nelson

Deputy Police Chief Derek Hoppner surprised aldermen Tuesday night by asking them to cancel the city’s popular Mardi Gras night parade, saying the move was needed to protect police officers.

Deputy Police Chief blindsiding the Board of Aldermen? My reaction was wow!

Hoppner gave the aldermen a memo outlining his complaints before Tuesday’s meeting and said Police Chief Mark Dunston agrees with him. Dunston, however, was out of town, he said, and did not sign the memo. Dunston called a press conference for 10 a.m. Thursday and is expected to announce the city will have the parade.

I mention this because WLOX is reporting that Dunston did not know his subordinate was going to the Board of Aldermen demanding the night parade be cancelled. Continue reading “Playing the local media for fools is nothing new here on the Coast (Updated)”

Tweet Traction: What y’all are reading

I’m hoping a new format to the old open link posts will catch on here. Based on twitter stats this is what you guys are reading from the Slabbed Twitter Timeline:

Next is a tweet from this morning that garnered instant interactions:

Read the comments over at the following Gulflive story. Based on what I have been hearing out of Oceans Springs things are not well politically for long time Mayor Connie Moran: Continue reading “Tweet Traction: What y’all are reading”

Friday Links: The apple does not fall far……

First up from the land of Dizzy Dean:

Stone County attorney disbarred over misappropriated funds ~ Robin Fitzgerald

Let’s count some apples shall we. Dad gets off very light with house arrest after the family drug running enterprise blew up in the 1990s while son Eddie got 7 for his participation. Now Tadd nabs client funds outta the law firm trust account and is disbarred. How times have changed over the last 20 years In Stone County as Boss Hogg finally passed. Moving right along.

Sal Perricone was still Sal Perricone on the Internet ~ Jarvis DeBerry

You tell ’em Sal. 😉 Next up is someone that flew under the radar.

Ex-DMR exec Ziegler pleads guilty to helping conceal mail fraud ~ Paul Hampton

Given that misprision of felony is not a major felony (every felony is major, some more than others) it is very possible Ziegler gets house arrest. Here is the salient text of 18 U.S.C. §4:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Do Bay St Louis and Ocean Springs need to swap City Councils?

How dark are the finances for Ocean Springs ~ Karen Nelson