Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay

The latest development in the Mark Titus saga could greatly hinder the prosecution of his brother-in-law Dominick “Big D” Fazzio, whom Titus supposedly dropped the dime on.  Per the T-P’s Gordon Russell, Titus continued breaking the law, which in turn violated his plea deal.  One wonders if Titus has simply fallen on his sword but we’ll see if Team Public Integrity still has anything on Big D.

In other news Aaron Broussard looked pretty good in the latest installment of his prostate cancer special so today Team Letten filed motions opposing any further trial delay especially in light of the fact the latest indictment is streamlined with less total counts than the two preceding indictments according to the T-P.  I bet Judge Head gives the Goatherder in Chief a bit more time but I also think the drama queen theatrics will wear very thin on the Judge Head, as it likely does almost every federal judge.  😉

Tick tock tick tock.

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

Henry Mouton cops a plea. Agrees to help Feds in the case against Team Heebe/Ward/River Birch

This is old news by now folks. In reality nothing much happened today except that the marriage between Teams Letten and Mouton was made official today by Judge Martin Feldman. If Mr Mouton delivers the goods as expected he will get off very light. Game theory has a very good explanation of what lead us to this point in the concept of Prisoner’s Dilemma. Mouton is the first documented squealer so it is fair to believe he is in line for the best deal from Team Letten.  For Aaron Broussard, Tom Wilkinson, Tim Whitmer and wifey Dawn this may not be perceived as bad news for them but trust folks it is very bad news for them.

With what we’ve seen on these pages about Mouton, if he delivers like we all think he can I personally have no problem with the 50 lashes with a wet noodle concept for him.
