OK who squealed Part Deux: Channel 6 picks up coverage of the report on the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration

You guys may remember that Slabbed broke the story about former Jefferson Parish Deputy COO Richard Hart causing a ruckus  in the senior ranks of the Young Administration with his boorish behavior towards women.  Then we covered who squealed to the media in Councilman at large Chris Roberts, a man with a purported need to see himself on the TeeVee regularly. Finally we covered Hart’s weekend departure from Jefferson Parish Government which supposedly brought this saga to an end.

I mention all this because Tom tipped us in comments yesterday evening that Travers Mackel at Channel 6 ended up with a copy of the supposedly confidential report prepared by Parish consultants on Hart, albeit a redacted version, and yes Virginia, all the bad things that were said about Hart’s workplace treatment of women were evidently true. Let’s review:

The report found that “several employees interviewed described the organizational climate as very intimidating and (one of) low morale.” Individual names are redacted, and the parish administration considers the investigation a personnel matter. Parish officials said they would have no comment and declined to answer questions regarding the investigation and its findings.

The initial complaint, according to the report, came from a female manager who raised concerns that Hart had created a “rude, demeaning and hostile workplace environment.” Among the specific incidents that are cited: Continue reading “OK who squealed Part Deux: Channel 6 picks up coverage of the report on the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration”

OK who squealed? Channel 6 picks up coverage of the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration

What can I say folks except that I was taken to the woodshed yesterday over my post on a supposed harassment lawsuit filed by John Young’s CAA Heather Hilliard against Deputy COO Richard Hart.  Now the person that registered the complaint to management at Slabbed did so very nicely and I appreciate that. The person pointed out 2 things:

  1. This is supposed to be a confidential personnel matter.
  2. It was leaked to Channel 6 in order to make John Young look bad.

Naturally this made me think about who in their right minds in the chain of command would leak a confidential investigation to Channel 6 and the community (I got my tip from people outside Parish Government)? I think we can narrow down the list of suspects but first let’s get the skinny from WDSU:

The Jefferson Parish Council has called a special executive session for Wednesday in hopes of learning details about an internal investigation involving a top-level member of the administrative staff, the WDSU I-Team has learned. Continue reading “OK who squealed? Channel 6 picks up coverage of the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration”

I am hearing stories of open hostility in the senior ranks of the Young administration

Yes I am folks as there are rumors floating about that CAA Heather Hilliard has filed a workplace harassment suit against Deputy COO Richard Hart.  If a suit was indeed filed it is not on Jeff Net nor PACER. That said I have heard varieties of the same rumor today from multiple observers of Jefferson Parish Government so something is clearly wrong here.

At this point I’ll add Hart’s reputation inside the Yenni Building is best described as piss poor. John Young was sold a pig in the poke in Hart and his assholery is evidently coming back on him in spades.

I’ll have more on this as I learn more.
