“It’s on like a pot of neck bones!”

It sure is folks.

Through-out many of the posts Slabbed has done about the Singing River debacle one of the management decisions I questioned most was insisting on sticking with Dogan & Wilkinson despite the documented related party transactions. Background on that can be found here, here and here.

Click the image below to obtain the full 89 page pdf of the filing, which now names the SRHS Law Firm of Dogan and Wilkinson and former SRHS Board Attorney Roy Williams as a co-defendants:

Click the image to obtain 89 page pdf
Click the image to obtain 89 page pdf

Early pictures from SRHS Retiree protest in downtown Oceans Springs (Updated)

This morning the gang at Team SRHS Hopes is protesting in front of the Ocean Springs law office of Dogan and WIlkinson of Counsel Oscar Jordan. Slabbed’s on the scene photographer indicated to me just moments ago that motorists are honking in approval. Around 1:00 pm Slabbed has been told the protesters will move over to the Dogan and Wilkinson main office in Pascagoula to spread the joy there. Here are two early pics from Ocean Springs:

2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC
2/11/15 SRHS Retiree Protest in downtown Ocean Springs | Slabbed New Media LLC

Update: Here are the rest of the photos from today’s protest in Ocean Springs: Continue reading “Early pictures from SRHS Retiree protest in downtown Oceans Springs (Updated)”