A few quick random thoughts

If there is one idea that I’ve tried to carry with me every day since Katrina it is the notion of the true extent of the transitory nature of our existence. Now this notion could indeed be viewed as a bummer because everything is destined to end the only question is when. My reaction is to attempt to recognize the blessings we also receive each day and simply appreciate the people that matter most in everyday life. I mention this because I’ve been mostly away from the blog this week as I have to pull double duty in the day job as a member of the business family deals with  such a transition I spoke of above. We all get hit with such realities at points in time on the road of life and in a small shop the business family gets to share both the triumphs and the tragedies that way. One blessing I have is the fact that Slabbed has kept humming right along without me via the open thread among other recent posts kept stocked with material via our great commenters. Thanks to all.

That said there are a few things still happening in the world one of which is Mississippi’s Neshoba County Fair which is a favorite among the political class here in Mississippi, especially in an election year. I tuned into twitter yesterday finding out such great factoids such as no one really paid attention to what Commish Mike Chaney had to say in his speech, that Billy Hewes isn’t afraid to scapegoat welfare recipients and Mexicans to satisfy his lust for lite Gov and that his opponent Tate Reeves has become an expert in making Hewes look exactly like the fool he is. Twitter is a wonderful thing folks and I enjoyed seeing a diverse group of tweeple such as Patsy Brumfield, Alan Lange and Frank Corder covering the speeches.

We have a primary election next week in Mississippi and to the extent the local democrat party does not have a pulse 5 of the 8 statewide offices will be decided next Tuesday in the GOP primary. If you are bright enough to read Slabbed then you don’t need me telling you how to vote but I will disclose that I’ll be supporting Tate Reeves for Lite Gov because he is 1. Not a fluffer like Hewes, 2. Is not a Nationwide Agent representing Team Insurance like Hewes in the legislature and 3. Is clearly the better candidate. If you believe the polling Hewes is on his way to a first class ass kicking and that warms the cockles of my heart. Continue reading “A few quick random thoughts”

Hot Tuna: Lawn Mower Fumes Phil Bryant wants to move Miss America to the coast

Folks many years ago I worked as an official tabulator at one of the feeder contests to the Miss Mississippi pageant. Remembering I am a coastal Catholic type kinda of guy the pageant, held well north of the coast, was a cultural type of learning experience of the type that would serve me well in life’s later days.

There will be a set before the pageants over with that has all the girls. Get your scores in and leave before the number is done. Last year, the accountants were confronted before they could leave…..

The “wrong” girl won the year before and certain elements of the crowd evidently took umbrage against the score tabulators.  I certainly wasn’t taking the pageant or pro bono assignment seriously enough I quickly surmised……I mean heck these folks didn’t even drink like they did at the little league games in Chalmette for Christ’s sake! But after seeing all the nice young Baptist women’s camel toes during the swim suit contest, I understood what motived a typical off coast Mississippi Baptist sort of guy was simply a much tamer version of what I had seen as a young man over at the Memorial Day All Harley Blowout years before.

Now for the uninitiated Baptists in Mississippi, the most Baptist state in the union, are like Baskin Robbins as  there are over 100 different flavors of them. Please make no mistake I come not to run down the fractious religion but to celebrate its uniqueness in America’s cultural landscape. You see most of the true believers don’t drink, dance or gamble so if you take all that away that just leaves sex and there is this stereotype floating about in local pop culture that Baptists have a very healthy libeto to compensate. I say all this because as a young catholic guy what I had witnessed during the swim suit competition reminded me of the far more tawdry swim suit competition at the Blowout save for the fact that the contestant’s parents were not at the blowout cheering their daughters along as far as I could tell.

I say all this because Gov candidate Phil “Phildo” “Lawn Mower Fumes” Byrant is pushing moving the Miss America pageant from Vegas to the coast using BP money do so.  Nope folks it wasn’t enough that old Phil denied the severity of the Macondo well blowout until the bitter end. Idiots are a dime a dozen including the Baptist variety. Phil is a special kind of idiot, you know the kind that wants to shove his faith down everyone elses throats. Continue reading “Hot Tuna: Lawn Mower Fumes Phil Bryant wants to move Miss America to the coast”

Some very interesting political news

Dave Dennis is the man who should be our current Senator IMHO. Passed over by the Gov last year to fill Trent Lott’s senate seat Dave owes no allegience to the current Mississippi GOP power structure. We’ve blogged about Dave a few times here on slabbed and while I do not know him personally I do know coastie GOP faithful to the person think very highly of Dave Dennis. I’m favorably disposed because he is a construction guy/small businessman. In construction leadership ability is not the only thing but is basically everything around which a successful contractor is built and as such I think Dave will do very well on the campaign trail. Michael Newsom has the Sun Herald story:

Coast businessman and community leader Dave Dennis told the Sun Herald on Tuesday he is strongly considering a run for governor in 2011.

The Pass Christian resident said if he runs it would be as a Republican, but he is not ready to make an announcement yet. He said he’s “still in the process of considering and potentially putting an organization together” and has not begun fundraising yet. Dennis, 56, said often candidates who announce too early don’t do as well.

“I am very, very strongly considering this,” Dennis said, but “there is no announcement imminent.” Continue reading “Some very interesting political news”