Slabbed registers yet another legal victory…..

And you know what is screwed up folks is I still can’t fill my readers in on the details because Attorney Daniel Abel, on an ex parte basis with Judge Glenn Ansardi, had the case sealed when Abel filed it. This is something I am very committed to seeing remedied. 24th JDC Judge Scott Schlegel, now presiding over the case granted Slabbed’s Special Motion to Strike the Complaint under Louisiana’s Anti SLAPP statute and awarded reasonable Attorney Fees. Slabbed New Media LLC was very capably represented by Connie Montgomery in the matter.

Due to the abuses that were perpetrated by Attorney Abel in this matter, in April of this year on behalf of Slabbed New Media I filed suit in United States District Court against Abel for willful violations of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act related to the DMCA takedown notices he sent to Slabbed’s current web host, Host Gator LLC related to publicly available court documents that he claimed infringed on a copyright. Slabbed New Media will show that Abel’s DMCA takedown notice, which he swore under perjury was true, was confected from whole cloth. United States District Court Judge Keith Starrett is presiding over this case.

Finally, Slabbed New Media will be asserting similar DMCA abuse torts against Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary related to their multi-year campaign of abuses of the United States Digital Millenium Copyright Act including their assertion of ownership of parodies created and owned by third parties such as Patrica Fournet and Frank Magazine. Under the DMCA, a party issuing a takedown request swears under penalty of perjury they own the creative works in question. I look forward to having my day in court in defense of the First Amendment and Journalism in the Public Interest.

Freedom is not free folks. If you value your first amendment rights and forums like Slabbed where the free exchange of ideas and opinions are encouraged, please take a few minutes and donate to the cause. While I am certainly appreciative of larger donations, there are several people like Cindy, Beverly, Debra and Patricia that donate as little as $10.00 a month. If 10% of my daily readers aka the unique visitor did this, funding things like lawyers or the hardware that I purchased to self host Slabbed here in Mississippi would not be an issue. Thank you.

“A day in the life of Trout Point Lodgers Chuck and Vaughn”

Page 2, current edition of Frank Magazine after being copyright trolled by Trout Point Lodge’s Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret

Since the freaks in the Goatherder Nation hang on every word I say…..

And so there are no mistakes here are two documents for everyone to see. First up is the latest Goatherder suit from Nova Scotia asserting frivolous copyright claims under the US law Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that was served on me Monday night by Chris Yount:

Trout Point v Slabbed #3Since they are trying to sneak a lawsuit required to be tried in the US District Court under the DMCA into a foreign jurisdiction I did a layman’s FRCP rule 12b motion and let the courts in Canada know they can’t pretend to be ignorant of the exact type of unethical douche bags they have in front of them: Continue reading “Since the freaks in the Goatherder Nation hang on every word I say…..”