Citizens for Good Government updates the last Jefferson Parish Council meeting.

Chris Roberts evidently has a bad attack of IBS and attended the meeting using his laptop and Skype from his throne room…

Seriously, from the most recent CFGG email blast:

Supporters of Good Government:

A number of pieces of good government legislation supported by Citizens for Good Government were passed by the Jefferson Parish Council at its May 11th meeting. In addition, after almost two years of attending Jefferson Parish Council meetings, we actually saw a spirited Council debate without a unanimous council vote!

Citizens for Good Government was pleased that the Jefferson Parish Council voted unanimously for the following legislation which we enthusiastically supported:

1. Office of Inspector General Continue reading “Citizens for Good Government updates the last Jefferson Parish Council meeting.”

Byron Lee’s Maxima Group Behavioral Services, Inc. needs an attitude adjustment: A Dollar Bill Jefferson Crime Family Con Profit update

It appears Byron Lee has other troubles besides not paying for the Parish mowing his non profit’s grass. I’ll add that as a CPA that helps small businesses with such things, purposely fudging revenue or payroll estimates to manipulate an insurance premium is considered insurance fraud in many circles.

We have several inquires out on this case. We’ll have more on it as soon as we know more.

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Silly wabbit, looting charities is just for kicks: A Cedric Richmond/Byron Lee charity looting update.

Well folks, we might as well declare open season on this one for Byron Lee has his own charity looting gig in Jefferson Parish dating back to around the same time the Dollar Bill Jefferson Crime Family was looting earmarks from charities in Orleans Parish.  We included ol’ Ced in the post title because everytime he stopped short on the campaign trial Byron’s nose ended up parked in his hiney.

I mention  this because Jeremy Alford over at the Jefferson Report has uncovered more problems with Lee connected charities and those don’t count the problems we’ve been sitting on over here at Slabbed due to time constraints.

These reports on Richmond and Lee have legs and then some.
