Meet the men behind St Slammany Parish DA Candidate Brian Trainor

Quite frankly folks, the list of Trainors campaign backers gave me the urge to take a shower. Vital background here and here. Those of you freaks that liked Walter Reed should be ecstatic Trainor is in the DA’s race.

Courtesy of a reader.
Courtesy of a reader.


Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2

The post was insanely good except for one part but before we get to the post and part to which I refer, let’s visit with this New York Times story from 5 days ago:

The question is no longer who has been hacked. It’s who hasn’t?

The Washington Post can be added to the growing list of American news organizations whose computers have been penetrated by Chinese hackers.

After The New York Times reported on Wednesday that its computers as well as those of Bloomberg News had been attacked by Chinese hackers, The Wall Street Journal said on Thursday that it too had been a victim of Chinese cyberattacks.

The above illustrates the vulnerability of sophisticated corporate networks to hacking but we also learned that from News Corp in the UK in 2012.  I mention this because last month the Times Picayune’s Gordon Russell wrote a story on Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for a private citizen that used the guest computer at the International House Hotel to comment on about the scandal in Jefferson Parish, specifically Dutchie Connick’s role in the alleged conspiracy between the River Birch Landfill and the Broussard Administration to put in the fix in favor of River Birch and close the Parish’s own landfill.

And that brings me to that insanely good post I mentioned at the beginning as I have previously linked it twice on Slabbed, Jason Berry’s A corner piece of the commenter puzzle.  I featured that post in part 1 of this series and I need to feature it again to set up the balance of this post, which will be both long and thorough. Jason set up 4 possibilities which would explain how Fred Heebe ended up knowing the mystery commenters opined on Dutchie Connick from the International House computer along with the email address that he used to register with and I summarize:

1.  The IP information of this commenter was obtained from a second party marketer or vendor?……..
2.  Someone within the NOLA Media Group or Advanced Publications shared the IP and identifying information with Heebe’s defense team that allowed them to track the commenter back to the hotel………
3.  Advanced Publications/ servers were hacked………
4.  Heebe’s team somehow knew that the commenter was using the hotel’s computer already and they put a keystroke recorder on it in order to track down the exact time and date the commenter was using it……….

He then opines that the application of Occam’s Razor results in bullet point #2 being the most likely scenario. I disagree and will add a 5th possibility. None of the above. Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2”

Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb

Yesterday I posted the text of a letter written to Aaron Broussard in June, 2007, a letter I obtained via Public Records Request to Jefferson Parish.  You see folks Aaron Broussard the Parish Prez and Aaron Broussard, Inc are indeed a distinction without a difference as he commingled his personal affairs with his official duties as Parish President.  To the extent he was cashing in his public service for personal gain I guess this should come as no surprise, unlike the few pleasant ones that I found going through the documents that came out of his desk last week.  😉

By now everyone knows the score with this group.  Local media outlets reported on Broussard’s use of his property at the Trout Point Development as a conduit to accept graft, a topic that federal prosecutors recently unveiled in a court filing in the Broussard payroll fraud case.  Broussard’s business agents in Nova Scotia then filed SLAPP suits against those media outlets in Nova Scotia via a practice known as libel tourism, first against the Times Picayune , then against Fox 8 and last against me.  They claim the media reported that Aaron Broussard owned Trout Point Lodge, a claim that has never been asserted on Slabbed because it was besides the point.

Multiple sources indicated to Slabbed early on that Broussard peddled all those business ventures “owned” by Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret to selected members of the public and that he had a financial interest in doing so.  What the media needed was documentary evidence of that activity and to date outside of a redacted ownership agreement in Cerro Coyote posted to Slabbed nothing has surfaced except in the court case record of the SLAPP suit against Fox 8 filed by Leary and Perret in Canada.  Those documents clearly indicated that despite Charles Leary’s public statements to the contrary, he, his wife Vaughn Perret and their sugar daddy Danny Abel were intimately involved with Broussard, as his property managers and business agents with respect to the property he owned in Canada.

Something strange happened after a Slabbed commenter linked the fact the Cerro Coyote had in fact been sold:  I began receiving inquiries from Continue reading “Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb”