How do you spell “double trouble”? F-E-M-A-C-O R P S

If the idea of a partnership between FEMA and the Corps of Engineers doesn’t keep you up at night, nothing will.  Ugh, just as I was about to call it a night,  I found a message telling me that I missed a big story on the “F-word”.  h/t unowhour A state coastal commission is mounting … Continue reading “How do you spell “double trouble”? F-E-M-A-C-O R P S”

Western La District Court Finds a Way to Short Circuit the Fifth Circuit?

This actually makes too much sense to hold up but who knows. Thanks to our friends on the Cameron Parish School Board ordinary people won a very important battle against big insurance. Our readers no doubt recall how the 5th Circuit slaughtered the concept of anti concurrent causation in Leonard v Nationwide while ruling the policy clause was … Continue reading “Western La District Court Finds a Way to Short Circuit the Fifth Circuit?”

Fallout from Leonard and Tuepker Continues in an Unlikely Place

As the months here on Slabbed slip away I am sometimes reminded of Yogi Berra and his famous quote, “It’s like déjà vu all over again”. For instance Nowdy’s excellent post this morning on Perrien in Louisiana was the product of internal discussion last night, a case I wrote and evidently promptly forgot about.  Luckily one … Continue reading “Fallout from Leonard and Tuepker Continues in an Unlikely Place”

State Farm agents win battle in LA court but may lose the war

Let’s start with news from Louisiana that reduces the value of the service provided by insurance agents – and sticks taxpayers with yet another tab. U.S. District Judge Patricia Minaldi dismissed the Cameron Parish School Board’s lawsuit against State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. and agent Enos Derbonne. The practical application of the judge’s ruling … Continue reading “State Farm agents win battle in LA court but may lose the war”

Louisiana Wind-Water News: Courts Split on Wind Recovery When Paid on Flood

This is an interesting situation, how much wind insurance can an insured collect when they are tendered their flood policies? The courts have split on this issue and depending on the Hurricane, an insured can either collect the policy limits or have their wind recovery reduced by their flood payouts.  Such a legal mess would … Continue reading “Louisiana Wind-Water News: Courts Split on Wind Recovery When Paid on Flood”

Obit: Marjorie Robinson Seemann

Marjorie Robinson Seemann passed away at her residence on early Friday morning, May 23, 2014 at the age of 75. She was a native of New Orleans and longtime resident of Metairie. She was high school co-Valedictorian with her twin sister at Metairie High School, Valedictorian at UCLA and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a … Continue reading “Obit: Marjorie Robinson Seemann”

Errol and the Noisemakers on YouTube!

I thought how Stephanie Grace framed the view of Judge Engelhardt’s opinion in USA v Kaufman last night was bogus as the local mainstream media continues to blame the Judge instead of the perpetrators of the prosecutorial misconduct from Team Letten and DoJ DC in the Danziger Bridge case. But that is not why I … Continue reading “Errol and the Noisemakers on YouTube!”

HUGE: “Jefferson Performing Arts Center’s $10 million (line of) credit suspended”

Let’s review: New scrutiny for Jefferson Performing Arts Center ~ Rich Rainey 7/11/12 Slabbed does a compare and contrast on Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center change orders: Elton Lagasse has some ‘splaining to do. ~ Doug Handshoe 7/16/12 Now the latest: Rep. Cameron Henry, R-Jefferson, on Thursday temporarily blocked the use of almost $10 million … Continue reading “HUGE: “Jefferson Performing Arts Center’s $10 million (line of) credit suspended””

Gustav on my mind- UPDATED 5x "the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on"

Moved the tracker Sop posted up so it would be easier to find as, like many of you, I’ve got Gustav on my mind. According the this story just posting on the Times Picayune “The bottom line is that what Katrina and Rita didn’t destroy in 2005, this storm has the potential to do,” Gustav … Continue reading “Gustav on my mind- UPDATED 5x "the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on"”