Merlin makes introduction and SLABBED welcomes Shelia Birnbaum

Posted on September 22, 2009 by Chip Merlin (posted to SLABBED with permission) Sheila Birnbaum: The Attorney Behind State Farm’s Katrina Scruggs Defense Explains How Major Corporations Can Use the Civil Justice System to Thwart Consumer Rights I enjoy good lawyering. Corporate America has the best lawyers defending their actions and figuring out how they … Continue reading “Merlin makes introduction and SLABBED welcomes Shelia Birnbaum”

BREAKING: Snake State Farm facing criminal investigation in Texas over Hurricane claims handling

Gee folks what else is new?  I wonder who the boogie man will be this time now that Dickie Scruggs isn’t around. Texas’ Gregg Cox better get ready because when Ed Rust feels threatened he does very nasty things to people.  James Robie now sleeps with the fishes so Ed may need to break out … Continue reading “BREAKING: Snake State Farm facing criminal investigation in Texas over Hurricane claims handling”

Insurance Reforms die once again in our special interest owned legislature

Having seen our do nothing legislature in action up close and personal I was not surprised to see this morning’s front page story in the Sun Herald which declared dead every meaningful consumer friendly insurance proposal introduced this legislative session including the basic policyholder protections contained in a policyholder bill of rights. Here on Slabbed we’re not nice … Continue reading “Insurance Reforms die once again in our special interest owned legislature”

The Price We Pay For “Pro-Business” Courts

As I’ve said in prior posts, I firmly believe Americans can no longer claim we’re “a government of laws not of men” as John Adams, our 2nd US President once pronounced. Adams’ words came to epitomize the venerable “rule of law” in America. In his era, the critical debate was “rule of law” vs. “rule … Continue reading “The Price We Pay For “Pro-Business” Courts”

Corban v. USAA

CORBAN v. USAA – THE 1500 DAY GREEK TRAGEDY Pardon the obvious patronage, but it’s fitting that Slabbed pay homage to the dedicated lawyers and astute circuit judge who were involved in Corban’s journey to the Mississippi Supreme Court. FOR THE PLAINTIFF: Judy Guice; Clyde Gunn; Richard Phillips; Christopher Van Cleave; Neil Harris; William Corban … Continue reading “Corban v. USAA”

A Corporate Predator

The Rigsbys’ qui tam claims are now set for trial. State Farm’s favorite strong arm tactic – a slap suit aimed back at the relators as a counterclaim – has been mooted by severance, with all discovery stayed. In a word, the Rigsbys’ qui tam case is now early stage radioactive. For those of you … Continue reading “A Corporate Predator”

Cat scratch fever strikes insurance industry – State Farm has bad case

If you been reading the comments to the post about the Louisiana Legislature chances are you won’t be suprised the story Business Insurance News linked as Cat bond activity levels off. (Large H/T to Editilla at the Ladder) It seems the cats scratched the subprime market a lot deeper that earlier reports suggested and now … Continue reading “Cat scratch fever strikes insurance industry – State Farm has bad case”

The GAO does some more cussin’ and discussin’ on the National Flood Insurance Program

When I began blogging to what would become Slabbed my knowledge of complex finance was exceeded only by my ignorance of how the political process really worked.  What I found from my perch here in Soggy Bottom is that talking aka cussin’ and discussin’ dominates the process. And besides all the talking that goes on … Continue reading “The GAO does some more cussin’ and discussin’ on the National Flood Insurance Program”