In this episode of Magnum JD its star versus star: Stephen Baldwin sues Kevin Costner over the BP cream pie

With a tip of the hat to a reader, the unfolding spectacle of Stephen Baldwin suing Kevin Costner is enough to get me online from the salt mine long enough to repeat something I sometimes see on the finance boards which also is a prediction of sorts: That ain’t doughnut glaze on Costner’s (or Magnum’s) chin. We … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD its star versus star: Stephen Baldwin sues Kevin Costner over the BP cream pie”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Magnum wins a reprieve in the Continental Casualty Suit.

Folks it is not a secret that Jeff Crouere’s girlfriend, Judge Martin Feldman does not have any fans on the Slabbed Editorial Board. That said even a broken clock is right two times a day and Feldman issued an order in the suit Continental Casualty v Magnum that I actually agree with. Even better Feldman nicely sums up … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Magnum wins a reprieve in the Continental Casualty Suit.”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Continental Casualty Company calls Bull (Durham) on Magnum and his firm, files suit.

Continental Casualty Co. filed suit in Louisiana federal court Friday alleging it should not have to pay to defend Gauthier Houghtaling & Williams LLP in actor Stephen Baldwin’s lawsuit over a $52 million joint venture deal with one of the firm’s partners. I’ll see if I can update this post with case docs after I’ve … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Continental Casualty Company calls Bull (Durham) on Magnum and his firm, files suit.”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Baldie amends the suit against Bull Durham, adds Magnum plus Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams

Folks, representing both ends against the middle, besides being highly unethical, has other down sides as highlighted in the recently amended complaint filed by Stephen Baldwin and Spyridon Contogouris against Bull Durham’s company Ocean Therapy Solutions and now Magnum himself along with his law firm. To the extent Magnum didn’t bother to hide much of what he was … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Baldie amends the suit against Bull Durham, adds Magnum plus Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams”

As the Magnum turns…..Slabbed finds Louisiana AG Buddy Caldwell!

This is a great story folks, one where our real time blogging on Costner will wear well with the passage of time. The narrative includes media manipulation, influence peddling and a boat load of sleazy characters including the plaintiffs.  By rights Houghtaling should also be named as the 32 page complaint makes clear and the fact that … Continue reading “As the Magnum turns…..Slabbed finds Louisiana AG Buddy Caldwell!”