20 thoughts on “Judge Starrett frees the Pickering purloined public records”

  1. Now turn them doctored up doggies loose so they can be compared to the originals. Just wonder who is crying in their eggnog since the good judge ruled. I really love how Pickering now thinks it is the right thing to do. This USA guy trying to do Stacey boy a favor looks like a damn fool in the end who got left out to dry. Merry Christmas all !!!

  2. I sincerely hope the Sun-Herald isn’t going to have to pay for these copies. They’ve spent a fortune on legal fees just proving their public documents. And……what about the new Open Records Law that went into effect on July 1, 2011…public officials have 2 weeks to produce or they get fined. We’ll see if that gets

  3. Well now Sun Herald has documents I wonder how many original pages were pulled. I heard that JAmie Miller hAs been smart enough to let some of the uppers in the administrative office upper management go However Jamie you need to look much deeper into these employees on the sixth floor including the ones that work in purchasing and accounts payable I think you will find they know way more than you do about what went on for years a friend of mine said you should try to contact Mrs Doucet she was struck down when she questioned The practices going on . Just a thought for the day I hope Sun Berald can find the skeletons .

    1. There are things to keep in mind regarding the DMR firings and all that has gone on with the Pickering mess and the DMR. There are innocent victims in the pack that are being used and sacrificed to satisfy the political motives of the regime. The regime is utilizing solid teamwork from around the state to win the “game.”

      1. You are so right eye spy the Doucet’s were definitely sacrificed and innocent because they knew too Mr Doucey was there for 20 some years and knew a LOT about the former woman who was over the business office and MRI’s Doucet knew too much and refused to play along with the fraud going on in purchasing and the business office but I do know they are both very happy that the ones who railroaded them and tried to give them a bad name are finally getting what they deserve and both are more than willing to help in anywY they can to tell what went on that caused their dismissal and firing. But who can you trust? So definitely here were two innocent victims.

        1. I was actually referring to innocent victims being used and sacrificed in multiple ways recently–as in this year. I was not speaking to anything in the past. 🙂

      2. You are so right eye spy the Doucet’s were definitely sacrificed and innocent because they knew too Mr Doucey was there for 20 some years and knew a LOT about the former woman who was over the business office and Mrs Doucet knew too much and refused to play along with the fraud going on in purchasing and the business office but I do know they are both very happy that the ones who railroaded them and tried to give them a bad name are finally getting what they deserve and both are more than willing to help in anywY they can to tell what went on that caused their dismissal and firing. But who can you trust? So definitely here were two innocent victims.

  4. Sorry EYe Spy there are only 2 that come to mind Susan Perkins and Grant Larsen. Are there other innocents we should know about. Not Tom Doster , not. Kara VESA I heard they were fired and rightly so they knew they were committing fraud. Oh well, we wil just have to wait on all the skeletons I personally plan to attend everyday of the trials that I am off work.

    1. I am not going to get into dropping names at the moment but in due time the public will be enlightened.

      Remember one thing about employment. When you are a non-supervisor and you are told to do something, it is in your best interest to do it and keep notes. Especially if you work for people who are a part of a powerful regime. Illegal or not, if you don’t do what a supervisor asks, they will find a way to get rid of you. If you do as directed and get caught, the supervisor or people in the regime will come down with a case of amnesia and put the blame on the employee. That is how is generally works, more especially when working for regime members.

  5. Yes yes yes that is absolutely right I didn’t do what they told me too BUT have lots and lots of notes and a head full of information and you are right they will find a way . When I left Tom Dosters office and told him I wasn’t doing anything illegal that is when the wheels were set into motion and I was moved so the “other ” purchasing. Agent could do it all by herself.

  6. Yeah and have you seen the calendars? For as far back as I can remember at least 10 years children submitted art for a contest wonderful pictures now we have coast scenery and of course don’t forget to take a look at the politicians on the back pages perhaps future mugshots? I thought NO GOVERMENT AGENCY is supposed to endorse a politician in any way!!!! Here’s another mark against you Jamie Miller I thought you were making the DMR better. Here’s another bad feather for your hat or do you wear a white hood and sheet? Shame on you!!!!! I assume Lauren Thompson has been replaced by one of your CONtract workers. At least Lauren always got things right!!!!

    1. Ya it’s a shame the calendar had to be “whitened and republicanised” I cannot vouch if this would be considered an endorsement of political figures but I believe people like Jamie Miller would probably push the boundaries to say the least in an attempt to promote the regime.

      Lets get something straight. Lauren didnt get shit right and Susan Perkins was the heart of that department without dispute for years. It went to shit when she left the first time and there are strong indications from inside operators and public image its gone to shit again.

    1. According to intelligence supplied by the clandestine operations team, it is believed that she still (somehow) works at the DMR in the PR division in some unknown capacity.

      Older intelligence supplied included a lofty salary and it was rumored she was the only director type who reported to walker that had state protection while all others were serving their respective positions as will and pleasure of the director. Her exact classification and duties as a state employee are unknown at this time since it appears to have changed at least once in the last year.

      I am sure most factual information could probably be obtained through a public information request. I believe if all information were to be obtained and reviewed, it would probably raise a lot of eyebrows as to what else was cooking during the walker period.

  7. My Fellow Americans

    Please support Joce Pritchett in reaching 3000 likes:


    By the way, what ever happened to the Judge he accused of “wrong doing” within the last year?

    Also, What ever happened to the DMR records that were supposed to be released to the Sun Herald? Did another UHaul truck pick them up and take them to Area-51?

    1. Eye, I believe that Ms Prichard has a chance!!! I am hearing rumbling on the homefront that people are going to vote for her and also for the truck driver running against Philly!!!! It just might be a coux!! Merci bercoup!!!
      People are sick and tired of THEIR PUBLIC SERVANTS not doing what they were elected to do. Hope they can outvote the thugs because the thugs have all of the $$ to fight the battle with!

      1. Charlene

        I hope for the citizens sake you are correct. I am a supporter of Pritchett but I’m starting to wonder about her campaign plan. It seems like she is not reaching out to the typical voter in Mississippi. Just my opinion.

  8. Eye-Spy and Charlene–I had a short conversation and exchanged texts with Ms. Pritchett. Let’s see what she does. We are preying for her.

    1. Hmmmm. Now this should be interesting to say the least. I wonder what’s cooking behind Pickering’s garage door? Perhaps he has a secret door going into a secret dungeon within the garage which conceals all of his dirty political doings. This could be a room where he and Chris Lott meet to post mug shots of the next victims.

      Show your support for Joce and help her get to 3000 likes


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