Sometime between now and the end of the year…..

Slabbed will garner its one millionth page view for 2013 shattering last year’s site traffic record. Thank you for being in that number. Following are links to Slabbed’s top 5 site traffic days in 2013:

  1. October 11, 2013 (A date with no posts.)
  2. February 25, 2013 – Live coverage of Aaron Broussard’s sentencing
  3. November 7, 2013 Arrests made in DMR Investigation
  4. August 21, 2013 Slabbed solved the mystery of the lusty radio show host and Cabbie
  5. January 18, 2013 All hell was breaking loose around that time. Of the next 5 busiest site traffic days in 2013, four occurred within three weeks of January 18 including January 30, 2013, which would be #6 on the top 10 site traffic days of 2013 here at Slabbed.

Thank you for being in that number.

9 thoughts on “Sometime between now and the end of the year…..”

  1. Doug,
    A very big thank you to you for all that you do to keep the public informed with actual facts, not stuff.
    I hope your efforts aren’t taken for granted and I have a feeling this coming year may shatter some records too!!
    Have a most Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, especially to the hard working and eminently capable blog operator!

    Wishing everyone the best in the new year. May all the miscreants of various flavors realize the errors of their ways and find it in their hearts to repent and reform. In the absence of that, perhaps they will at least be forced to buy and use a clue or two. May the judicious judgements be fulfilled and the injudicious be properly rammed back from whence they came.

    Attempting to enjoy a quick cheap thrill I find that link 4 does not go where advertised. It goes to Part 19 of the SLAPP Happy Report.

    Between explaining how he helped to deliver the DMR records to oblivion and investigating the major fraud in Hattiesburg (maybe Dupree and friends intend for Stacey to help hide some of their records?) Stacey will probably be too busy to run for Senate.

    1. “May the judicious judgements be fulfilled and the injudicious be properly rammed back from whence they came.”

      That one sentence explains the 5th Circuit opinion better than any blogging law professor that has thus far taken a stab at it. Legal observers across the country are still scratching their heads trying to figure it out. All they need is come visit with us for a spell.

      My thanks to all of you.

  3. SOP, much thanks for continuing to spot lite the endless Louisiana political corruption we are subject to on a never ending basis. In a world where every politician at every level of government has countless spin machines spinning up every form of cover up, thanks for exposing them for what they truly are.

    I continue to read you and count my blessings we have your column and its contributors to surface the truth in this never ending soap opera called Louisiana politics.

    I, for one, continue my relentless crusade against the insurance industry and our incompetent Louisiana Insurance Commissioner, Jimbo the Clown Donelin….along with holding our State Legislators in Baton Rouge accountable in their feeble attempts to do what they were sent to Baton Rouge to accomplish. Wishfully, I hope for better from all the above in 2014; however, I am not holding my breath that there will be any appreciable change of venue from any of them.

    Thank you for doing the right thing and continuing to expose this group of miscreants for what they truly are.

  4. Bunhare: Glad to hear you are still with the SlabbedNation and appropriately naming our politicos like ” Jimbo Donelin” for our Commissioner of Insurance.

  5. Thank You Doug for all of your hard work and efforts.
    Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !

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