The Goatherders have sent a message for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation

I swear folks you simply can’t make this stuff up but something tells me that on April 4th poor ol’ Charlie and Vaughn must have been mighty upset with Slabbed for breaking that nasty Aaron Broussard “silent partner” secret they’d been keeping. As is their wont there was some minor retaliation along with a message as follows:

With just 10 rooms for rent at the Lodge, the Goatherders certainly had need for silent partners as the numbers indicate but that will wait for a dedicated post that will be coming very soon. :mrgreen:


5 thoughts on “The Goatherders have sent a message for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation”

  1. Gee! This may become a “collector’s item”. Just think, video documentation of Lemelle addressing his Brother and Sister Judges in the EDLA Judges’ lunchroom! And not one of Lemelle’s Brothers and Sisters on the Federal Bench doing anything about his documented criminal misconduct, because each of them is afraid of compromising his or her own “stovepipe fiefdom”, particularly, but without limitation, Duval-Daley-Fayard. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  2. I really don’t want to be the bastard here…but the “message for the consideration” was…is ?

    1. I’m sorry RB but I do not have a Donkey translator. That said my take is the Goatherders are not happy about their “silent partnership” with Broussard hitting the news cycle.

      The bigger question is who was funding the losses at the Trout Point Development and why.


  3. Ten rooms to rent? Is this a joke? I thought this was a resort property along the same lines as Oak Island or White Point Beach Lodge.

    1. A common theme I hear from those associated with the Kempt area is wonderment at how the Goatherders could afford the lifestyle. Their behavior towards trade vendors as reported to me by those that have transacted business with them in Nova Scotia mirrors what I heard from sources down here and as of last year there was a construction lien on the place that has its origins in the late 1990s yet they were flying up to 4 dogs plus themselves internationally to Europe frequently. Published reports have Perret wearing $1,000 suits.

      Not having kids certainly helps but a 10 room Eco lodge that has reported occupancy rates around 60% will not fund it IMHO.


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