4 thoughts on “The Slabbed question of the day is….”

  1. Because when the embalmer stuck the needles in his dead body to begin the process of displacing bodily fluids with embalming fluid, Mr. D’Aquila’s body was laying face-up on a SLAB. P.S. If he wasn’t DEAD before they pumped the embalming fluid into him, he was DEAD afterwards, promise. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. It is amazing the search strings people use to end up on Slabbed. This story is out and it is obviously compelling enough that people are digging deeper.


  2. I’m thinking,
    just like when an employee gets ALL of the blame for whatever is not right with a company after they are gone.
    It’s Roy’s fault, Roy’s enterprise, Roy was the mastermind- we were all just pawns, Roy told me to do it. I gave Roy the money. Roy was the ringleader. I was just following Der F

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