6 thoughts on “Da Root suit guy is still at it. A Jefferson Parish School Board Corruption Update”

  1. Think Morgan was looking for more favoritism for his non-child step-daughter? Understandable he wouldn't want THAT publicized again.

  2. The Jefferson Parish School Board…the kiddie pool where these miscreants learn to ply their trade.
    I think if their was an investigation into the school board actions you could find a lot of insight into the JP councils' actions.I believe they are inextricably linked.

  3. De je vu ???

    Another Soprano wannabe mafioso buddy of Morgan, Chris Roberts, orchestrated his own version of assaulting the La. Public Meetings Law having TheRiot appointed interim Parish President to fill Broussard’s term till a special election could be called. The round-robin telephone calls were a subterfuge, and clearly in contravention to the law.

    So with Roberts, and now with Morgan, they says ‘whatta youz gonna duez abouit’ ?… Wez are protected by our man Pauli, the DON…

    To the editors of the T-P: quit the BS and demand that DA Connick do his job !!!

  4. Turtle, you are SPOT ON..the J.P. School Board is the spawning grounds for the wanna be career J.P. politicans..all of them get their "training" at the J.P. School Board and then graduate on to creating more chaos and coverup in their quest of "public" (?) service to the J.P. taxpayers..and, all the while, they dine at the expense of the J.P. taxpayers while feeding at the public piggy trough…

  5. What the hell ? Don't you just love this fucking new media.

    I'll bet if anyone looks real hard down that HellHole in Jefferson Parish they'd find the same kind of fucking BS happened down at the Tarpon Rodeo. Hell all we got to do is find out who won Spike for the weekend. Bingo !

    What a fucking HellHole. I think I see the Devil himself trying to crawl out.

    Hell WTF I'm gonna have another drink on 'Gate.

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