Wednesday Music: The boogie man is coming after you Cedric


2 thoughts on “Wednesday Music: The boogie man is coming after you Cedric”

  1. On the one hand, David Byrne was me in another life.
    On the other hand, I’m actually working that song up for solo performance, open slide guitar.
    On the back hand, Cedric RichMon is Satan’s Shit Sandwich.
    Fitting, like his neck in a guillotine.

  2. BDTH is one of my “Talking Heads” favorites. But then again, I really like “Take Me to the River” (or is that take me UP the river?). I also like “I’m on a Road to Nowhere”, which fits both me AND Cedric (he just doesn’t know it). And if I’m wrong I will refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages for … Oh! I don’t know. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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