Judge Barbier can lead a “new Louisiana way”…

With Louisiana way’ on full display at Judge Thomas Porteous’ trial and the news that the  Initial federal court hearing in BP oil spill is this afternoon, I’ve given some thought to what Judge Barbier can do to make the “right way” the new “Louisiana way”:

1. Brown bag lunch versus “the Louisiana way”:

“Marcotte, his sister and associate Lori, and several former employees of Bail Bonds Unlimited testified that they treated Porteous to many meals…”

2. Carpool with other judges or take a taxi versus “the Louisiana way”:

“BBU employees would pick up his car from the courthouse, have it detailed or have the oil changed for free, then drop it off…”

3.  Install brick or metal fencing versus “the Louisiana way”:

“Two [BBU] employees spent several days rebuilding a damaged wooden fence…”

4. Eat more beef versus “the Louisiana way”:

“Holiday turkeys counted as currency in this universe…”

5. BYOC as in “Bake your own cakes and cookies” versus “the Louisiana way”:

“but more commonly…[the currency]…was dessert, specifically doberge cakes…”

Barbier was likely too busy for even a brown-bag lunch today:

Today’s 2:30 p.m. hearing will focus on how to manage the case, but the proceedings are expected to be jammed. To make room for the hundreds of attorneys and any members of the public who want to attend, the hearing has been moved from Barbier’s regular courtroom to room C501, which is larger.

Plaintiff attorneys, led by Stephen Herman and James Parkerson Roy, would like documents, reports, analyses, leases, contracts, protocols, organizational charts, environmental samples, and all agreements and communications between BP and Feinberg Rozen, the law firm of Gulf Coast Claims Facility coordinator Kenneth Feinberg…(links to background on Herman and Roy added)

A word to anyone thinking Judge Barbier won’t notice if …(whatever) –  Don’t try!

3 thoughts on “Judge Barbier can lead a “new Louisiana way”…”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOowweeeeeeeeeeee Nowdy, how about packin’ a couple of nanas’ which need no refrigeration,one can eat on the run, have great levels of potassium; as long as the peels are picked up in the courtroom so BP attorneys couldn’t claim “slip and fall”. Referring to the “Louisiana Way” I do believe after today’s testimonies of Gardner and others at the Porteous hearing it is apparent what the panel thinks about the typical judicial “Louisiana Way”. I wish I could get the Las Vegas line on the outcome of the hearing cause I would be tempted to send “$2,ooo in an envelope” placed on the prosecution team winning hands down. OOOOOOOOOOOOoowweeeeeeee

  2. Tell me something: Why should anyone is his or her right mind, after viewing the proceedings in the Porteous trial before the Senate Judiciary Committee, available on C-Span, believe that Barbier is less CROOKED than Porteous (G.T. Ortous), or Duval, or Lemelle, or Africk, or…? The Department of “Injustice” needs to take a “flamethrower” to 500 Poydras Street, but they won’t. Know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. The tainted and one-sided New Orleans federal ‘judicial council’ amazingly insults reason, by diverting attention away from the dishonest actions of Attorney CLAUDE LIGHTFOOT, who is also the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Court Judge / trustee who represented Porteous and Porteous

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