I had to laugh yesterday because our Desiree alarm went off in a big way as our readers sent in the links to the latest news from Slabbeds favorite self promoter of all times, former White House social secretary/New Orleans party girl Desiree Rogers. In today’s installment of All My Glapion Children we find that Desiree has accomplished her mission of helping friend Linda Johnson Rice begin the process of righting the ship at Johnson Publishing, which has evidently struggled due to the economic slowdown at Ebony and Jet magazines. Now Desiree takes over as CEO.

I had a great time reading between the lines from my last post to yesterday’s press release from Johnson.  Change came to Johnson just days before Desireee was hired as a consultant as this press release trumpeting the hiring of Amy DuBois Barnett as the new editor at Ebony indicates. Then our girl Desiree evidently became Desiree the Knife as the axe fell on President/COO Anne Sempowski Ward. With the dirty work done that left the coast clear for Desiree’s coronation as CEO, a title previously held by Ms. Johnson Rice herself. Desiree then immediately announced the hiring of a token male at Johnson, Rodrigo A. Sierra who looks to me to be the person who will be doing the actual work to salvage Johnson.

So as we conclude this episode of AMGC we are left pondering how Dé Sirée massive need to self promote will gel with the resident diva in charge in Linda Rice Johnson, especially since Ms Rice Johnson does not trace her family roots to royal lineage.  Will, Dé Sirée, who has never run anything in her life be up to the challenge of having the buck stop at her desk or will she fly away before Johnson Publishing implodes. Stay tuned to Slabbed for the answers to these and other questions.


6 thoughts on “D”

  1. It is truly unbelievable. She has never accomplished anything other than befriending the proper people.

    President Obama gave her some responsibilty and she promptly bocthed that with her own self-promotion rather than doing her job. I am still puzzled why the White House would not let her testify when Congress wanted some questions answered concerning security breaches she allowed.

    There is some positive things for Tom Wilson, CEO of Allstate, concerning this. At least he did not give her any responsibilty when she was a VP there.

  2. Sup:

    Let me get this straight, you are complimenting Wilson on having D. Rogers as a high-ranking member of the Allstate team? Did someone put a gun to his head to make her a VP?

    1. Shareholder money at work Sock. Is it any wonder Allstate common still plumbs the depths, well below its previous trade range?

      Maybe instead of that former LSU kicker Allstate should have sent Desiree to the halftime show at the 2007 BCS National Championship.

      My mind is open to the possibility Sup is also just yanking our chains. Speaking of that this message is priceless.


  3. Sock, my comment was “tongue in cheek” in that her hiring was a pure Chicago PR move. However, he was knowledgeable enough not to give her any responsibility.

    1. I think most of us read it after the first comment you left Magee. Judging from the fact you set up a blog dedicated to this story and the zeal with which you spammed our unrelated threads with the links tells me your interest in this is on a more personal level.

      We do have a Northshore division here at Slabbed. However I also have rule 301 considerations which limits the blogging I can do on the doings in St Tammany. Those limits would not apply to your story though.

      I sent your link out hoping to solicit some comments so we can do a post. No promises but obviously this story is of the type we profile here at Slabbed.

      Meantime no need to flood the channel with the same comment, especially on unrelated topics as it is not considered polite here in cyberspace. You can contact me offline using the email address found on our contact page the link to which can also be found on our top ribbon of links.


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