3 thoughts on “”

  1. I hear that the DMR employees are all cowering in fear and afraid of getting fired by the Ringmaster. Why haven’t any of them gotten lawyers and filed lawsuits against the illegal goings on there? I wonder if they are going to continue to cower as Miller picks them off one at a time and replaces them with his “dear family and friends”?
    It is time for a union to step foot in the doors and pull the people together to help them stand up for themselves since they have been beaten down by the Walker regime and it is still continuing under the Puhl-a$$o/Miller boy regime. Hopefully, a good organizer will contact the WORKERS of the DMR soon and help them get control of THEIR workplace again where everyone follows the same rules and dances to the same tune. Get prepared folks, I think that I may know just the man for the job!

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