Signs of Michael Avenatti’s lack of legal prowess abound…..

There are many kinds of lawyers such as the good defense lawyer that keeps his clients out of trouble before trouble happens or the no nonsense Plaintiff’s lawyer that skillfully guides a case into the Courtroom where the playing field is level. In my years doing Slabbed I’ve found there is another kind of lawyer, the kind that freelance and attempt to take shortcuts while mostly crashing and burning, often to the detriment of their clients. There were multiple signs that Michael Avenatti fits into the last category as a lawyer that was adept at using the media while failing to see longer term ramifications of his actions on his clients. We got the first hint of that late last year:

Stormy Daniels Ordered To Pay Trump $293,000 In Fees In Defamation Lawsuit ~ Jessica Taylor

Earlier this week Eriq Gardner wrote an excellent article on Avenatti’s tactics that is well worth the read. Avenatti appears to be a very effective advocate for one person only, himself. I’ll grant its possible I am missing something but I think not.

12 thoughts on “Signs of Michael Avenatti’s lack of legal prowess abound…..”

  1. I have to agree, Doug. Don’t think you have missed anything. He seems to operate on another frequency.

  2. Another tax increase proposal in BSL in the form of a Sales tax of 2% on prepared food and served alcohol.
    What caught my attention is that the Chamber is in the middle of it. They always show up when tax dollars are up for grabs. One can only guess that they see an opportunity to get their hands on it. They have been trying to take over tourism for years. They stopped when the 2% sales tax went to the Tri County Tourism and now that more funding is on the agenda they are getting into the fray. Go figure it very predictable.
    BSL is growing leaps and bounds. Standing room only why do we need more revenue from the consumer? Why doesn’t the Chamber get their business owners to pony up contributions as they are the direct beneficiaries of increased customer base and financial success? They wont because it is easier to get 7 council members to give it to them. Fortunately we will have a public vote!

    1. Stupid,
      May I remind all of you who are fed up with tax increases in the Bay, that the 5 new Councilmen, who now make up a solid, comfortable majority, all ran as Republicans. Granted, they did not necessarily run as Conservatives, but as Republicans. Doug Seal continued as an Independent and Reed as a Democrat.
      The five new were enthusiastically supported by the local Republican party, of which the Chamber Director and her husband are members. Interestingly enough the Chamber Facebook page covered in depth the opening of the Democratic Campaign Headquarters in the last election cycle, while not so much the Republican. This left some Republican friends of mine who backed the Republicans scratching their heads?!!

      1. I think since there is an stimated revenue for the short life of the tax to be renewed that we specifically show where 90% of the projection or some reasonable % then let the voters vote on the result not the projection. This would be responsible. No hand outs to non profits who don’t spend every dollar on the project. Not management fees or other.

      2. Tax raisers to pander large voter groups. Notmajorities just those that make them feel good. Tickets, VIP Passes, Tables and otherwise public exposure at the taxpayers expense.

  3. Why doesn’t the chamber just increase their membership dues and dedicate that amount to parks recreation and tourism. If in fact it is what is missing for more financial success to the business community. WOW that would be a no brainer for them as business leaders as they call them selves. The money would be for them and their benefit just the same as the taxpayers money should be for the general public not for private business owners.

    Is this just too logical?

  4. Is it true that the director gets 10 – 15% of all new money brought into the chamber coffers? If it is that explains the dialing for dollars that she does.

    1. Ward 5 here. We been told for years it’s 3%. Plus those 20 nonprofits causes she brags about have their monies run thru her and Resource Center. My Councilman Joey tried for years to open their books. Love Cuz’s fund raising but shouldn’t the Chamber show revenues, expenses, bonuses and commissions paid. We miss Joey.

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