Former SRHS CEO Chris Anderson is a CPA/CEO so let’s try to think like one

Since transparency is still sorely lacking over at Singing River Health and because I rolled out my working theory why the events surrounding this man made financial disaster have unfolded in a certain way we have to take a step back and look at the big picture. And to do that we must think like former CEO Chris Anderson, the man with all the answers.

To understand how the disaster unfolded most good Certified Fraud Examiners will tell you to “think dirty” and what it meant by that term is that the “frauditor” must 1. Understand how the perpetrator thinks by attempting to walk the proverbial mile in the perp’s moccasins which leads to 2. Gaining a possible understanding the motivations which lead to the disaster. This specialty is essentially the intersection of the social sciences with the accounting and finance that was originally pioneered by legendary sociologist/criminologist Donald Cressey, a name that has been mentioned a few times previously on this website.

First up are a few requisite disclosures. Dating back to November of last year I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many fine folks from over in Jackson County with connections to either the hospital system or County Government and the resultant communications with this group have a painted a picture of CEO Anderson that I thought was rich in its depth and color that also came with some analysis that is out of this world in my opinion.  Important to note is that the totality of what I’ve been told by multiple parties (many with but some without a dog in the hunt) about Anderson is actually fair to the man, who has been the villain of choice for the media covering this disaster, Slabbed included.

The most frequent adjective mentioned to me concerning Anderson is Continue reading “Former SRHS CEO Chris Anderson is a CPA/CEO so let’s try to think like one”

More DMR dirt leaking in comments

It has been unusually busy here today in advance of the holiday weekend but I’d like to take a second to let everyone know that I confirmed the recent incidents being cited in comments to yesterday’s post on Slabbed’s hacker. The comments in question start here which involve adultery, porn on state computers along with various and sundry other peccadilloes.

As for Slabbed that Horne contract has remained stuck in my craw since early June. We got to dig down on it just a bit deeper and we will.