Wednesdays Wars | Tom Callaghan: Impeachment? Obama Should be so Lucky

Published on Nov 12, 2014

With 36% of those eligible voting, an older, whiter, less-gay electorate than the one that re-elected Obama in 2012 delivered both houses of Congress to Republican control. In other words, the people who watch FOX beat the heck out of the people who watch MSNBC.

The low turnout and the composition of the electorate are typical for off-year elections. Democrats seem to need a visionary-type figure at the top of the ticket (Kennedy, Obama) to drive turnout in elections. Republicans turnout all the time.

The difference between the two parties is amply illustrated by a couple of old adages, possibly attributable to Chris Matthews: 1. Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line. 2. Republicans want a leader; Democrats want to have a meeting.

The challenge for Republicans in the legislative branch will be discipline. They showed good discipline in terms of candidate selection in the last election. Very few, if any, of their candidates were so heavily laden with baggage that they were uncompetitive from the start. Continue Reading………..

One thought on “Wednesdays Wars | Tom Callaghan: Impeachment? Obama Should be so Lucky”

  1. Good grief, Tom, give the peasants a break. If El Jefe gets impeached, we still end up with a thug sociopath Statist in charge.

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