Other Voices | Southern Political Watch: Cannabis Legalization in Mississippi

Every 42 seconds, an individual is arrested for cannabis according to the FBI; this same individual will most likely lose his or her job, their house, their family, and everything they own. All of this because of a natural growing plant? Cannabis needs to be legalized because it has medicinal value, has properties which will stimulate our lagging economy, and is overall unconstitutional. Also, counter-arguments will be addressed and refuted. First off, we will examine the medical benefits of the plant.

Physicians and researchers have “overwhelmingly identified the cannabinoid CBD as the active medicinal compound in cannabis,” according to News-Medical. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Michigan Medical School, states that cannabis products are being used to treat cancer, seizures, multiple sclerosis (MS), glaucoma, pain and other ailments. Among these benefits, cannabis is also known to treat cerebral palsy. In the documentary In Pot We Trust, Jacqueline Patterson is featured with cerebral palsy. When Patterson smokes marijuana, she transforms into another woman, a woman who can speak clearly and use her body more effectively and less painfully. The plant clearly has health remedies for our bodies, but it also has health remedies for our economy.

The legalization of cannabis will stimulate the economy. In Colorado, where cannabis is legal, the Colorado Department of Revenue states that $52,185,870 comes from the “Total Marijuana Taxes, Licenses, and Fees.” 52.2 million dollars is added to the state’s revenue from the fees associated with the sale of marijuana. Not only is the tax revenue great from the legalization, but the overall economy is thriving. Colorado sits at a 4.7% unemployment rate which is lower than the national unemployment rate of ~7%. In 2014, Colorado added over 67,000 jobs. Mississippi’s unemployment rate sits at 7.7%. Considering roughly 50% of Mississippi’s revenue comes from federal funds, the state could use all of the state generated funds it can use. Also, Mississippi has the perfect climate for hemp farming. Hemp can be used to make a myriad items from paper, clothing, ropes, and fuels. In order for Mississippi to gain this revenue, it has to be legal. Continue Reading…………..

2 thoughts on “Other Voices | Southern Political Watch: Cannabis Legalization in Mississippi”

  1. Everyday you have people who lose their job, home, everything they own, and family. All of this because a natural growing plant that produces alcohol. Alcohol is legal. Medicinal Value? How stupid do you think we are? I am not a prude to any drug for anyone who Is dying. My best friend died from cancer so quickly and I acted so quickly trying 2 years ago to find pot. I knew it would help her in the end from awful nautious feelings. I failed. I could not get it. I tried. Value? Do not believe pot will improve the value of your property. Colorado, yes everyone went to CO. Now they have freedom to smoke in public. Now they have a growing population of homeless families/single indiividuals. Inteteresting. Referencing Dr. Sanjay Gupta. I will have to educate myself on the News/Medical. I know alot about him and neurological diseases. For those who do not know the doc., please educate your self first. Just so you understand my point of view which I solely believe in and favor because I love the South from Florida to Texas: The documentary. “In Pot We Trust”. Watch it yourself. If you see that it will benefit your communituy…. About the Revenue……let me educate you about what the Feds are trying to tell you. MS and AL are doing great despite the Obama Admin. Despite. Obama had absolutely nothing to do with the air plant that is going to be the energy of Mobile. He tried to take credit. Same guy who who is ok with pot legalilzed. Not here in the South please.

  2. America , America…. oh beautiful for spacious joints rolled,
    From amber waves of hemp,
    For stoned mountains majesty,
    And crowned thy medical good for brotherhood,
    From sea to stoned sea.

    Cars running on hemp, people wearing hemp clothes smelling like joints growin’ hemp on Friday nights unda da’ lights’, people laughin’ and eatin’ themselves to death ( sorry Michelle dem veggies in school suck)

    Then maybes we cans gets liar, liar panties on fire Obama to smoke da’ piece pipe wit’ ISIS and we all lives happy ever after.

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