Wednesdays Wars | Tom Callaghan: Obama stops the bleeding

Published on Sep 11, 2014

In the wake of an assortment of self-inflicted wounds that left many wondering whether he was on top of the ISIS challenge, President Obama needed to communicate some clarity to the country. He did so last night in a 15-minute prime-time address.

It was crisp, concise and compelling. It should leave the average American … someone who is neither gung-ho Obama nor an Obama-basher … with the feeling that they have a President who is on the case and has a plan that makes sense.

Now that he’s caught up to the power curve, he’s got to get ahead of it. If we have intelligence capabilities that allow our people to listen in on Angela Merkel’s private telephone conversations, we should be able to get some good intel on what’s going on with al-Baghdadi, the boss of ISIS, and some of his top people. A successful hit on the top of the ISIS organization would go a long way towards rebuilding the critical mass of support Obama will need for the remainder of his presidency.

Obama can make it tough on those of us who like him. Who can forget the first debate with Romney in the 2012 campaign? If it was a boxing match, they would have stopped it, and someone would have had to carry Obama out. Almost as bad was a listless press briefing Obama gave about two weeks ago in which he admitted that he didn’t have “a strategy” to deal with ISIS. To add to the weirdness of that statement, Obama was wearing a strange tan suit that didn’t seem to fit him. Continue Reading…………

3 thoughts on “Wednesdays Wars | Tom Callaghan: Obama stops the bleeding”

  1. Looks like the “hope & change” president has morphed entirely into another neocon POS, Tom. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace for the health of the welfare/warfare State.
    Nice try at the rehab, but the cult of personality continues to come through.

  2. I listened closely at that speech because I was listening for what I thought was of utmost importance, and I never heard a word about it. That is: Not a word about securing our own borders.
    After all, the big master mind, mucky muck head hunter with ISIS has told our President he’ll “see him in New York.”
    Therefore, I didn’t come away with the same level of “comfort” as this columnist. My final conclusion on our President’s message was:
    How dare those terrorist make all this trouble right before the Mid-Term elections!

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