The reason I made a point to stay away from Matt of Mississippi during the DMR Investigation…..

Those of you following the DMR Investigation on a more personal level know Matt. I stayed as far away from the guy as I could in favor of raking my muck the old fashioned way. Why? Because at the end of this if the Government prosecution of the Walkers ends up FUBAR I’m no where near ground zero. Following is the worst that can happen when accused murderers for an organized crime ring seize the ol’ playing on the internet life ring:


Here in the 5th Circuit each and every one of them media guys mentioned above, as good as they are at their craft, can be hauled into court and made to spill their guts as there is no shield in the 5th Circuit for journalists in criminal matters. Here is the latest folks and it makes me sick to my stomach:

Click to obtain 202 page pdf
Click to obtain 202 page pdf

USA v Howard Doc 504

As for me, I’m still staying as far away from Matt as I can.

Monday Primer: All eyes on Wednesday’s Jefferson Parish Council Meeting

Here is the interactive meeting agenda for those that want to play along at home while watching the spectacle on Jefferson Parish TeeVee.  Spectacle??  Yes indeed folks for the Wino has been chirping and the good word is the Parish Council is on the verge of open warfare for the first time in a very long time.

All eyes on agenda item #3 as well as the several highlighted by the Citizens for Good Government.

Stay tuned.

Guest Post | Jefferson Parish Citizens for Good Government: Campaign Contribution Report for the February 19, 2014 Parish Council Meeting

Supporters of Good Government:

The Jefferson Parish Council will meet this Wednesday, February 19th at 10 a.m. on the East Bank in the Yenni Building. Citizens for Good Government will once again present summary information from our Campaign Contribution Table shown below. Total campaign contributions of $246,306 were made during the past four years to our councilmen by contractors and subcontractors on whom the councilmembers are scheduled to vote at the February 19th council meeting. For the first time since CFGG has been presenting our campaign finance reports, Councilman Chris Roberts was NOT the councilman with the largest amount of contributions, but Councilman Mark Spears has this honor with campaign contributions of $56,091. Councilman Roberts was in second place with campaign contributions totaling $47,950.

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Citizens for Good Government feels the need to speak again in support of Inspector General David McClintock. Our IG has been aggressively investigating possible wrongdoing in our government for which it is essential for him to have unlimited access to the Jefferson Parish email servers, and we are extremely grateful to Parish President John Young for reversing Continue reading “Guest Post | Jefferson Parish Citizens for Good Government: Campaign Contribution Report for the February 19, 2014 Parish Council Meeting”