Nova Scotia Supreme Court: Ignorant and damn proud of it.

Nova Scotia Supreme Court continues to lend aid and comfort to the disgraced Aaron Broussard’s unindicted co conspirators.

Folks this judgment is as worthless as the first as the Nova Scotia Courts double down on their ignorance as well as reinforce the province’s reputation for being Canada’s most backward. My quick math indicates I tied the previous record for worthless Nova Scotia defamation judgements which is fitting. I will have more on this a bit later.

This is exactly why Mississippi needs to pass House Bill 44 to give us more protection from libel terrorism havens such as Nova Scotia Canada:

Trout Point Lodge Ltd v  Handshoe (2014 NSSC 62)

Trout Point Lodge Ltd v Handshoe (2014 NSSC 62)


Meet Jamie Miller, Executive Director of the Mississippi DMR:

DMR posts notice four hours ahead of special meeting in Biloxi ~ Paul Hampton

I wonder how many hours of notice the CMR received.