BREAKING: Janus to cop a plea

Here is the salient minute entry text:

NOTICE OF HEARING as to Michael Janus: Change of Plea Hearing set for 2/10/2014 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 1 (Hattiesburg) before District Judge Keith Starrett. (scp)

Anita Lee’s writeup on same:

Janus plans to change not guilty plea in public corruption case

Scott Walker gets his wish and will now face these charges alone. It is reasonable to expect that Janus will now be testifying against Walker.

Nagin takes the stand as the Magoo defense comes into sharper focus

By now everyone that does criminal law is familiar with the Chewbacca defense. Today Robert Jenkins and Ray Nagin present the Magoo Defense:

Nagin both folksy and testy during first day on the stand ~ Gordon Russell and John Simerman

Williams also testified that he and his partners were guests at the mayor’s Mardi Gras ball at Gallier Hall that same night, and that Nagin had embraced him and told him he had gotten him into the coveted “pool” of qualified engineers.

When Coman brought up the ball, Nagin sought to downplay its significance, saying Williams and his partners were there along with “about a thousand of my closest friends.” When the prosecutor flashed pictures of the event on a screen and asked Nagin to identify himself and Williams in a couple of frames, Nagin insisted several times he couldn’t recognize the engineer.