Errol and the Noisemakers on YouTube!

I thought how Stephanie Grace framed the view of Judge Engelhardt’s opinion in USA v Kaufman last night was bogus as the local mainstream media continues to blame the Judge instead of the perpetrators of the prosecutorial misconduct from Team Letten and DoJ DC in the Danziger Bridge case.

But that is not why I embed Errol and the gang this morning no siree.  You see folks I have this source from way far back that has connections that run very deeply into the Jefferson Parish business community that I have been looking to feature on Slabbed. I just needed the right spot and that is this morning. First we need to visit with the segment with Stephanie Grace and Common Core and then I’ll post a missive from my source in the business community:

TBL taught them well. An observation:

When our community does not perceive something in the way the political rulers desire, when we don’t behave ‘properly’, or when they seek to have THEIR candidate elected…….

That’s when it’s time for the puppeteer to get to work. The back halls of their organizations (in this case it looks mostly like JBC) get to work, phones start ringing, and a few local leges/politicos/supporters start having ‘town hall’ meetings to get the message out; influence the peeps so they can’t tell they are really being manipulated.

The issue this time: Common Core. Continue reading “Errol and the Noisemakers on YouTube!”